Project 4 - Animation Logic

Project 4 - Animation

Animation Based on Finite State Machine Logic

The example programs below give simplified examples of animation that is controlled using an animation state variable and an animation position variable to control the animation.

Simple Rotate Animation

In the example project below, a rotate animation is controlled by a State Variable: rotateState which can be in one of 3 possible states: "UP", "DOWN", or "STOP".

This rotateState variable provides logic to control the animation using a finite state machine structure.

Example Khan Academy Programs:

Rotate Animation:

Animation state variable: rotateState: can be in one of 3 possible animation states: "UP", "DOWN", or "STOP"

Animations position variable: angle.

  • When in "UP" state, angle is incremented: angle++

  • When in "DOWN" state, angle is decremented: angle--

  • angle is restricted to range of values between minAngle and maxAngle.

Animation events:

  • When the angle >= maxAngle, then the animation state: rotateState is set to: "DOWN"

  • When angle <= minAngle, then animation state: rotateState is set to: "UP"

  • When the count variable equals maxCount, rotateState is set to: "STOP" to stop the animation.

//Global variables:

var rotateState = "UP"; //"DOWN" , "STOP"
var angle = 13;
var maxAngle = 45; //boundry conditions
var minAngle = -45; //boundry conditions
var count = 0;
var maxCount = 5;

//draws a rectangle at points: x,y
//with rotation: offsetAngle
//draws small ellipse at rotation point
var rotateRect = function( x, y, offsetAngle){
    translate( x,y);
    rotate( offsetAngle);
    fill(255, 247, 0 );//yellow
    rect(0,0,50, 90);
    //draw ellipse at rotation point

//draws a line at x,y
//rotate the line by: lineAngle
//draws an ellipse at rotation point
//calls rotateRectangle to create a //dependent, child-rectangle that rotates //relative to the parent line's rotation  
var drawLine= function(  x, y, lineAngle)
    rotate( lineAngle);
    stroke(255, 0, 0);
    line( 0,0,100,0);
    //draw offset rectangle that has relative rotation of 40
    rotateRect( 81,1, lineAngle-40);
    //draw ellipse at rotation point: 0,0
    ellipse( 0,0,10,10);

var checkAngle = function( ){
    if( rotateState === "UP"){
        angle ++;
        if( angle > maxAngle) { //event happened
            rotateState = "DOWN";
    else if( rotateState ==="DOWN"){
        if( angle < minAngle ){
            rotateState = "UP";
            println("count " + count);

var checkCount = function( ){
    if(count > maxCount){
        rotateState ="STOP";

var draw = function() {
  //negative value for angle value 
  //is used so that up-movement is positive rotation
  //down-movement is negative rotation
  drawLine( 200,150, -angle);
  checkAngle ();

Additional Simplified Animation Examples

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