A3: Repeat Patterns
Iteration and Recursion for Repeat Patterns
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Iteration and Recursion for Repeat Patterns
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Behavior: Patterns: Repetition using loops or recursion Function: Recursion: Self-Similar Replication Structure: Recursion
If Life is a Game, These are the Rules: Cherie Carter Scott
Rule 3: There are no mistakes, only Lessons
Growth is a process of experimentation, a series of trials, errors, and occasional victories. The failed experiment are as much a part of the process as the experiments that work. Cherie Carter Scott
Compassion: An Individual is capable of both great compassion and great indifference, he has it within his means to nourish the former and outgrow the latter. Norman Cousins
Rule 4: A lesson is repeated until Learned Lessons will be repeated to you in various forms until you have learned them. When you have learned them, you can then on on to the next lesson.
Challenge: Identify and release the patterns that you are repeating
Cultivate: Awareness, Willingness, Patience, Acknowledge Causality
The tabs below show examples for creating a PShape that includes an inner contour. See the simple example of a program that includes code for a recursive function that creates a PShape pattern
Hand Drawing: Draw A Fibonacci spiral using grid paper, draw a minimum of 7 cubes.
Gitbook: Post photo of your sketch on Gitbook
Hand Drawing: Draw any simple branching pattern inspired by recursion
Gitbook: Post photo of your sketch on Gitbook
Hand Drawing: Create 2 new Vertex PShapes ( you must now have 4 functions that create / return vertex shapes)
Draw 2 new PShapes on grid paper to specify width, height, vertex points
One PShape must include contour
Gitbook: Post photo of your sketch on Gitbook
Gitbook: Post an image of your Processing project's execution - the sketch canvas should show patterns shown in each region.
Total of 4 functions to create and return a Pshape Object : all PShapes must use vertex points. Reuse 2 functions created in assignment 2. Details: One PShape must use include a contour, all PShapes must use vertex points
Function signature:
PShape myShape1( float w, float h, color c1)
Function signature: void displayRecursivePattern( Pshape myShape, color c1, int count)
Program: Include new logic in draw( ) to have custom pattern drawn in each region of the canvas.
Required Global variable: int maxCount; //specify number of recursion repeats – used in map( ) to control scaleFactor setup() logic – initialize size, colorMode HSB
draw( ) logic – ( see diagram above for regions )
if mouse is pressed
translate origin to mouse position, (remember to include code to resetMatrix )
if on the left side of the center-line: regions 1,2
if on the top half: (region 1)
display Pshape pattern associated with region 1
if on the bottom half (region 2)
display Pshape pattern associated with region 2
if on the right side of the center-line: regions 3,4
if on the top half: (region 4)
display Pshape pattern associated with region 4
if on the bottom half (region 3)
display Pshape pattern associated with region 3
4 Custom Functions to create PShapes, 1 must include a PShape w/contour (see above)
2 PShape functions - using vertex points (from assignment 2)
2 new PShape functions - using vertex points ( Assignment 3)
One PShape must include an inner contour ( Assignment 3)
4 Custom Functions to create Patterns - use PShape as input parameter
2 Custom Functions to create Patterns using PShapes – (from Assignment 2)
2 Custom Functions to create Recursive Patterns using PShapes (Assignment 3)
In mathematics and computer science, a class of objects or methods exhibits recursive behavior when it can be defined by two properties:
A simple base case (or cases) — a terminating scenario that does not use recursion to produce an answer
A recursive step — a set of rules that reduces all successive cases toward the base case.
A function may be recursively defined in terms of itself. A familiar example is the Fibonacci number sequence: F(n) = F(n − 1) + F(n − 2). For such a definition to be useful, it must be reducible to non-recursively defined values: in this case F(0) = 0 and F(1) = 1. Wikipedia
Iteration is the repetition of a process in order to generate an outcome. Iteration in computing is the technique marking out of a block of statements within a computer program for a defined number of repetitions. That block of statements is said to be iterated; a computer scientist might also refer to that block of statements as an "iteration". The primary difference is that recursion can be employed as a solution without prior knowledge as to how many times the action will have to repeat, while a successful iteration requires that foreknowledge Wikipedia
To manage life’s problems we use emotions as a compass. It is feeling that guides all learning from experience. But biology provides one further drive to help us on our way: Mark Solms
In order to solve the hard problem of consciousness, science needs to discern the laws governing the mental function of ‘feeling’. This is not just a matter of words. I marshaled considerable evidence to show that feeling is the foundational form of consciousness, its prerequisite. I also explained both physiologically and mechanistically the difference between felt and unfelt needs and showed that feelings have concrete consequences. ‘Consciousness is not merely a subjective perspective upon the “real” dynamics of self-organizing systems; it is a function with definite causal powers of its own’. Mark Solms
Hunger feels bad, and it feels good to relieve it by eating; a distended bowel feels bad, and it feels good to relieve it by defecating; pain feels bad, and it feels good to withdraw from the source of it. These are bodily affects but the same applies to emotional ones. Separation distress feels bad and we respond to it by seeking reunion. Fear feels bad and we escape it by fleeing the danger (and sometimes by fainting). Suffocation alarm and hunger and sleepiness and fear all feel bad, but they feel bad in different ways. Getting rid of them, by contrast, feels good, also in different ways.”
The Law of Affect: voluntary behavior is guided by affect - You decide what to do or not to do on the basis of the felt consequences of your actions.
Affective States: Mental States: Affective States are hedonically valanced: Good or Bad....Feeling sensations possess intrinsic value: Good, Bad. Pleasure and Unpleasure tell you how you are doing in relation to your biological needs.
Affect and Arousal are aspects of human experience that are essential for survival. Affect and arousal aspects of subjective human feelings have properties of valence, magnitude, category, that are associated with unmet human drives.
Affective Experience is primarily a felt phenomena, Feelings guide our behavior in conditions of uncertainty. Humans have the unique ability as complex organisms to 'register our own states - subjective being.
Arousal accommodates emotional responsively and intentionality: affective arousal enables volition
Thinking is Virtual Action: The capacity to try things out in the imagination - imaginary form of experience
When feelings become conscious, drives measure demands made upon the mind for work. A feeling disappears from consciousness when the need it announces it has been met. Felt needs are prioritized over unfelt needs. Priorities are determined by the relative strengths of your needs in relation to the range of opportunities afforded by your current circumstances. When you become aware of a need, when it is felt, it governs your voluntary behavior. Choices can be made only if they are grounded in a value system...
Feelings make creatures like us do something necessary - they are measures of demands for work - Drive as a measure of the demand made upon the mind for work in consequence of its connection with the body. Affects are the subjective manifestation of drives - they convey which biological things are going well or badly for us and they arouse us to do something about them
There are three types of affect: homeostatic (interoceptive) and sensory (exteroceptive) ones (both of which are bodily) and emotional ones (which involve the body but cannot be described as ‘bodily’ in any simple sense).”
Affect: Primary Emotions, Feelings: Mark Solms
Seeking - exploratory foraging: state: curiosity - default emotion
Rage - Fight
Fear - Flight
Panic / Grief
Secondary Emotions: guilt, envy, shame, jealousy arise from conflict situations - learnt constructs - hybrids of emotions and cognition