Project 3 - Logic, Steps
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For Project 3, you will create a simple drawing application where 4 buttons allow you to choose which pattern to draw. One additional button will clear the drawing canvas. 3 Sliders will be used to change the hue, saturation, brightness of the pattern that's drawn.
The code on this page, and the image below shows a first iteration for this project
Create an array of 4 Buttons that function as a ButtonGroup to control which pattern is drawn.
Create 4 simple patterns (PShapes) that can be drawn at the mouse position, the active pattern can be changed by selecting one of 4 pattern buttons.
Add logic to have 1 of the 4 pattern buttons work as an eraser ( draw an ellipse with background color, the eraser color should not be modified by the sliders)
Create an additional 5th Button that will clear the canvas, but is not part of the ButtonGroup buttons.
Create 4 Pattern Object instances.
CheckSlider( ) method, checks each slider to see if it's value has changed. Also includes logic for color dependency between sliders:
satSlider's hue is set by the hueSlider's sliderVal;
brightSlider's hue is set by the hueSlider's sliderVal;
brightSlider's sat is set by the satSlider's sliderVal;
Switch-case structure allows one pattern to be set as active by using the activeBtnIndex of the ButtonGroup, to set an active pattern to be drawn on the canvas.
before displaying the currentPattern, we'll use custom sliders to set the hue, saturation, brightness of the drawn patterns. This logic will be near the bottom of drawPattern(), just before displaying the currentPattern. See code details below below:
Use Functions to organize main-tab Logic
Use Classes to structure project logic.
Set Canvas Size: min: 800 x 600
Set colorMode - HSB
Initialize objects by calling constructors:
declare an Array of Buttons
Button[] buttons;
initialize Array of Buttons
buttons = new Button[4];
initialize each Array element by calling Button , PImageButton Constructors You need to figure out Button constructor parameter values so that buttons are positioned in a vertical stack.
initialize buttonGroup by calling ButtonGroup Constructor and pass buttonArray as a parameter
buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup( buttons);
initialize clearButton by calling Button Constructor - use either Button or PImageButton
clearButton = new Button( parameters );
initialize Pattern Objects
Create 4 PShapes, pass one to each Pattern Constructor
Example initialization for 2 Patterns shown below
4 pattern objects required
Initialize Sliders Initialize Sliders by calling constructors with proper input parameters to determine position, size, min, max range
if mousePressed
checkSliders( ); //check before drawPattern, when mousePressed
translate(mouseX, mouseY);
drawPattern( );
drawButtonMenu( ) //always draw menu of Buttons
connects buttons to determine currentPattern
sets fill for currentPattern using slider's sliderVal
eraserPattern color is not changed by sliders, should have fillColor, strokeColor set to global bkgColor;
use switch-case structure
switch: check which buttonGroup button is active
Draw 5 buttons: 4 buttons in buttonGroup, 1 clearButton
draw a menu-background (rectangle)
Logic In MouseClicked( ):
buttonGroup.clicked( parameters ) parameters )
if clearButton is selected
clearCanvas( ) - draw rectangle over the canvas surface
reset the clearButton
Detailed Logic for Adding Sliders to Drawing Application
In this project, sliders will be used to control Hue, Saturation, Brightness of the patterns drawn.
The sliders must be checked each time the draw-loop executes if the mousePressed, to see if the sliderVal has changed.
Sliders must always be checked for changes in sliderVal before drawing any patterns.
checkSliders( )
is a custom function in the main tab, that contains logic for checking each slider.
Declare global variables:
Slider hueSlider, satSlider, brightSlider;
Initialize 3 Sliders in setup( ) by calling child class constructors: example
hueSlider = new HueSlider( 40, height-100, 200, 50, 0, 360 );
Incorporate Sliders into project using custom functions:
void checkSliders( );
void drawSliders ( );
in drawPattern( ) - set currentPattern fillColor using sliderVal right before currentPattern is displayed: currentPattern.display()
see drawPattern above for integration of this example code:
This code is similar to DrawButtons, we simply want to draw a rectangle behind the sliders, and then have each slider display itself by calling the over-ridden display( ) method.
In CheckSliders, we must check to see if each slider has been pressed. We need to set the hue value for the satSlider using the current sliderVal of the hueSlider since the display of satSlider should change when the hueSlider is changed. Similarly for the brightSlider, it must have it's hue and sat reset to reflect current hueSlider and satSlider values.
The clearButton is a regular button that is used to clear the canvas. The clearButton must be declared as a global object-reference variable. The clearButton behaves like a door-bell, meaning it never displays that it is in the selected state. When the clearButton is clicked, it clears the canvas, then the reset( ) method is called to turn the button off.
Initialize in setup() The clearButton is not part of the buttonGroup buttons, but it's parameters should be defined so that the button is displayed below the other buttons that are part of the buttonGroup. `
Add code in displayButtons( ), to display the clearButton
Add code in mouseClicked( ) Add code to check if the clearButton has been clicked. Then, check to see if the clearButton is currently selected, if it is, then call custom function: clearCanvas( ), then turn-off the clearButton by calling the reset( ) method.
called when clearBtn has been clicked and has on==true
set fill to global background color: bkgColor
draw a rectangle, the size of the entire canvas, to clear the canvas. rect( 0, 0, width, height)