Create PShape 2D Array

In the code below, we'll modify our simple 2D arrays project so that we're now creating PShape objects for each 2D Array element (instead of using processing rect()), then we'll display those PShape in a second step of the process.

PShape[ ][ ] ShapeMatrix

In the code below, we'll create a 2D array of PShapes using the Processing PShape methods, we'll use the calculated gradient color to PShape: setFill( color ) method for each PShape. Then we'll before display each PShape using the PShape: shape( PShape, x, y ) method

 void setup(){
  size( 600,600);
  colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100);
 int rows = 6;
  int cols = 6;
  int cellSize = width/cols;
  PShape [][]shapeMatrix = new PShape[rows][cols];
  //int[][] intMatrix = new int[rows][cols];//2D array of ints
  int xPos=0; //variables to control where rectangle is drawn
  int yPos = 0;
  color c1=color(157, 83, 56);
  color c2 = color(258, 66, 96);
  for( int i=0; i< rows; i++){
    for( int j=0; j< cols; j++){
         int k = i + j;
         //calculate fill color
         float kFraction = map( k, 0, (rows-1) + (cols-1),0.0, 1.0);
         color c3 = lerpColor(c1, c2, kFraction);

        //create the shape 
        PShape curShape = rectPattern( cellSize-10, c3);

         //store shape in 2D array
         shapeMatrix[i][j]= curShape;  //store in 2D array
        ///display shape
         shape(curShape, xPos, yPos); 

         xPos += cellSize; //increment for drawing the next column
    } //end of inner loop (cols)
    yPos +=cellSize; //move yPos for drawing next row
    xPos = 0;
  } //end of outer loop (rows) 

//function to create a PShape rect
PShape rectPattern( float len, color c1){
  PShape s = createShape( RECT, 0,0, len, len);
  return s;

Alternate PShapes Grid-Pattern

In the code segments below, we use additional logic, is the value of k odd or even, calculated using modulus k % 2 Where we draw a circle or rectangle if odd or even, still using the color gradient logic.

//inside setup()
////code inside nested for-loop
void setup(){
size( 600,600);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100);

PShape curShape;
if( k %2==0){
//create Shape and setFill
curShape = cirPattern( cellSize-10, c3);
} else{
curShape = rectPattern( cellSize-10, c3);

///more for-loop code
//end of setup

//Additional code: 
//new function to create a PShape circle
PShape cirPattern( float len, color c1){
  PShape s = createShape( ELLIPSE, len/2,len/2, len, len);
  return s;

Last updated

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