Final Code Structure
The code below shows example logic for positive region functions along with the function structures for the negative region functions.
float minSize, maxSize;
float balancePoint;
void setup(){
size( 1200, 1200);
colorMode( HSB, 360, 100, 100,100);
background(0);//only set one time
minSize = 10;
maxSize = 60;
balancePoint = width/2; //start at middle of canvas
void draw(){
if(mousePressed && frameCount%5 ==0 ){ //timer only draw pattern every 10 frames
translate( mouseX, mouseY);//translate origin to mouse position
if( mouseX > balancePoint){
positivePattern( balancePoint, mouseX);
negativePattern( balancePoint, mouseX);
} //end if-mousePressed
}//end of draw
void negativePattern( float balancePoint, int mX){
//TODO Add logic here for changing color, size across negative region
//call negRecursivePattern( curSize, curColor);
//determine current size, color: gradients across the positive region
void positivePattern( float balancePoint, int mX){
///positive region colors
color cPos1 = color( 230, 100, 100); //purple
color cPos2 = color( 80, 100, 100); //lime
color randPop = color( 55, 100, 100);//yellow
//define curColor based on mX relative to balancePoint
float fraction = map( mX, balancePoint, width, 0.0, 1.0);
color curColor = lerpColor( cPos2, cPos1, fraction); //fraction varies beteween 0.0, 1.0
float rand = random( 0.0, 1.0); //flip a coin
if( rand< 0.2){
curColor = randPop; //use random pop of color
float curSize = map( mX, balancePoint, width, minSize, maxSize );
float randAngle = random( -90.0, 90.0);
rotate( radians(randAngle));
posRecursivePattern( curSize, curColor); //creates 1 motif
void negRecursivePattern( float size, color c1){
//termination test
//recursive call with size changing: converging toward termination
//Draws a single motif - nested size and color gradient
void posRecursivePattern( float size, color c1){
//termination test
if(size < minSize){
float fraction = map( size, minSize, maxSize, 0.2, 1.0); //may want to customize
color curColor = color( hue(c1), saturation( c1), brightness(c1)*fraction);
PShape s1 = customPosShape( size, curColor); //test the shape
shape(s1,0,0); //task1:render the shape at the origin
scale( -1, 1); //task2: mirrored across the y axis
shape( s1, 0, 0);
scale( 1, -1); //task3: mirrored across the x axis
shape( s1, 0, 0);
//recursive call
posRecursivePattern( size * 0.8, c1); //modify size so we terminate
//task 4 - with reversed stacking - mirror across origin
scale( -1, -1);//mirror across the x, y axis (origin)
shape( s1, 0, 0);
PShape customNegShape( float len, color c1){
fill( c1);
PShape s = createShape( RECT, 0,0, len, len);//placeholder shape
return s;
//Draws a single shape
PShape customPosShape( float len, color c1){
PShape s; //declare our first object-type variable //heap - object memory
fill( c1);//attempt to set color for the shape
s = createShape( );//initialize our shape
s.vertex( 0,0 ); //1 x, y points
s.vertex(.5 * len , 0 ); //2
s.vertex(len , .5* len ); //3
s.vertex(.5 * len , len );//4
s.vertex( 0, .5* len ); //5
s.vertex( 0, 0 ); //6
s.beginContour(); //make internal cutout
s.vertex( len*.25,len*.45); //inner cutouts - point 5
s.vertex(len*.6, len*.6); //
s.vertex( len*.45, len*.25); //
s.endContour(); //end internal cutout
//shape( s, 0,0); //render to the canvas
return s; //return the PShape
Last updated
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