Project 1-Steps
Conceptual Art to Express Emotion / Energy
Step 1: Determine Emotions to express:
See Models of Emotion: , Concept Maps, Mental Models, Mind Map
Create Personal Situation Concept Map. (Submit with Project 1 documents) Select a personal situation that has an associated range of positive and negative emotions. Sketch a concept-map to brainstorm the concepts and emotions associated with your situation.
Divide your concept-map sketch into 2 regions: Negative, Positive
Put 'Situation' as the center concept ( no need to provide specific details about situation )
Add associated concepts to negative or positive sides
Add emotions to each side, position the emotions to indicate the strength of emotion - with the strongest emotions located at the outer edges of the regions, neutral emotions near the central dividing line
Result: Select at least 5 emotions to represent in your artwork, list these along the bottom of your concept map.
Project Planning Document - ( does not need to be submitted with Project 1 documents )
Define variables:
region colors ( minimum of 4 custom colors required )
PShape length ranges (minSize, maxSize)
Main Emotions: ordered list of 5 emotions or feelings
Planning document as a guide to complete the logic to determine parameters for the RecursivePattern functions, for each region..
Negative - region: 0 < mouseX < balancePoint
Positive - region: balancePoint < mouseX < width
Code Structure: Function Signatures:
Step 2: Region Logic: PositivePattern, NegativePattern:
Helper functions: with logic for each region to determine color, size based on mouseX position relative to the balancePoint position.
float curSize - determined by region and mouseX
use map( ) to determine curSize for each region
float curSize = map( mX, balancePoint, width, minSize, maxSize );
colors: Define 2 colors per region: cPos1, cPos2 - determined by region and mouseX
use map( ) to determine color gradient fraction
float fraction = map( mX, balancePoint, width, 0.0, 1.0);
use lerpColor( ), fraction to determine color for current mouseX position
color curColor = lerpColor( cPos2, cPos1, fraction); //fraction varies beteween 0.0, 1.0
you must determine logic for negative region
Optional: Random Pops of Color, Hue Variation
Optional: determine probability for random pop of color, this can be set for each region, or can vary within each region using map( ) to set value of float randPopColor
float randPopColor = map( mouseX, balancePoint, width, 0.2, 0.4); float randValue = random( 0, 1); if( randValue < randPopColor){ curColor = color( 250, 100, 100); }
you can add small variation in hue
float hueVariation = random( -5, 5); curColor = color( hue(curColor) + hueVariation, saturation(curColor), brightness(curColor));
Call Recursive Function
posRecursivePattern( curSize, curColor);
Step 3: Recursive Functions:
Termination Condition
if(size < minSize)
{ return; }
Recursive Function Task: Create, Render Custom PShape
Use map function to determine how brightness should change for each individual PShape layer. Local variable: fraction changes as size changes, with the smallest size corresponding to the smallest fraction value: 0.2. Adjust as needed.
float fraction = map( size, minSize, maxSize, 0.2, 1.0);
color curColor = color( hue(c1), saturation( c1),brightness(c1)*fraction);
PShape s1 = customPosShape( size, curColor);
shape(s1,0,0); //render the shape at the origin
Recursive Function Call
You must modify size for each recursive call, this can be done when setting the input parameters as below.
posRecursivePattern( size * 0.8, c1);
Step 4. Custom PShapes: Specify Vertex using len parameter
PShape with Cut-out:
The code below shows an example of using Processing's PShape methods to create an inner cut-out for a shape. After specifying the shape's outer vertices, in clock-wise order, use s.beginContour( )
to start specifying inner points in the counter-clockwise direction. Complete the cutout vertex logic using s.endContour( )
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