InventoryDisplay Class
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The image below shows code logic in the InventoryDisplay.cs script that animates visibility of the InventoryDisplay when the user presses the Tab
key. You'll need to decide to configure the animation or you must delete the associated code, or you will have errors in scenes where you use the InventoryDisplay.
To Disable Animation If you choose not to implement the UI-Animation, then you'll want to disable or remove the code associated with the Animator component otherwise, you will have errors when the the InventoryDisplay is included in a scene.
Delete the Animator declaration line of code in order to identify and disable all code associated with Animator functionality
Animator visibilityAnimator; ////DELETE THIS LINE - To disable animator
Delete or disable code with errors, shown highlighted in image below
updated Apr 11,2020
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
//modified from
//updated 4/11/2020
public class InventoryDisplay : MonoBehaviour
private List<Slot> inventorySlots;
private Inventory inventory;
public Dictionary<string, int> InstanceTypeCounts = new Dictionary<string, int>(); //dictionary
public const int NumSlots = 4; //must change if more slots are displayed
public int displayedRowPointer=0; //
Animator visibilityAnimator; //comment out if animation is not used
public bool isVisible = false;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
inventory = GameData.instanceRef.inventory;
//inventoryDisplay wants to be notified when inventory changes
// find all child slots, put in a list
inventorySlots = new List<Slot>();
//add child slots to the inventorySlots list.
// Maintain some order (just in case it gets screwed up).
inventorySlots.Sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index);
//comment out code below if not using animation
visibilityAnimator = GetComponent<Animator>();
visibilityAnimator.SetBool("IsVisible", false);
//Listen for Tab key for Animation - every frame
private void Update()
if( Input.GetKeyUp( KeyCode.Tab))
isVisible = !isVisible;
visibilityAnimator.SetBool("IsVisible", isVisible);
//update itemCount dictionary: items, counts - get data from
//condense data into key-value pairs: item: count
private void UpdateItemCounts()
//for all items in the inventory's inventory list
//count the number of items with the same InstanceType ( enum values )
//put unique item in dictionary/ with count as value
for( int i=0; i< inventory.inventory.Count; i++)
//for each item in data inventory list
//if the inventory list element with index i
//add key: InstanceType to dictionary, update count
if (!inventory.SlotEmpty(i)) //is there an item in the inventory for each list item?
ItemInstance item = inventory.inventory[i];
string instanceType = item.item.instanceType; //is string cast of enum value
int count;
if (InstanceTypeCounts.TryGetValue(instanceType, out count))
InstanceTypeCounts[instanceType] = ++count; //if already added, increment count
else //did not find item in the dictionary, so add as key,value=1
InstanceTypeCounts.Add(instanceType, 1); //add item
private void PopulateInitial()
UpdateItemCounts(); //populate dictionary
if( InstanceTypeCounts.Count > 0) { //something in the dictionary
int index = 0;
//get the keys (all existing items)
Dictionary<string, int>.KeyCollection keys = InstanceTypeCounts.Keys;
//loop through all key-value: InstanceType-count pairs
foreach (string instanceType in keys)
if (index < NumSlots) //fill the first 4 slots
int value = InstanceTypeCounts[instanceType];//use current key-item to get the count (value)
if (instanceType != null) //display slot already has an item of matching key
//Update the slot, by updating the count
//get one itemInstance from Inventory using InstanceType match?
ItemInstance oneItem = inventory.GetByItemType(instanceType);
if (oneItem != null)
inventorySlots[index].SetItem(oneItem, value);
index++; //move to next slot
Debug.Log("more items than slots, some not displayed");
} //end method
void SetSlotIndexes()
foreach( Slot slot in inventorySlots)
slot.index = inventorySlots.IndexOf(slot);
public void RemoveItem(ItemInstance item, int index )
string itemTypeKey = item.item.instanceType; //get item's InstanceType to use as key
int count=0;
if(InstanceTypeCounts.TryGetValue( itemTypeKey, out count))
if( count <= 1) //if the last one
InstanceTypeCounts.Remove(itemTypeKey); //remove from dictionary itemCounts using key
inventorySlots[index].RemoveItem(index);//remove from slot display
inventory.RemoveOneItem(item); //remove from data inventory
InstanceTypeCounts[itemTypeKey] = count - 1; //decrease dictionary count for this InstanceType
inventorySlots[index].SetItem(item, count-1); //update slot's displayed count value
inventory.RemoveOneItem(item); //remove one from data inventory
} //end RemoveItem( )
//Listener for onInventoryUpdate Event
public void UpdateDisplay()
ClearSlots(); //clear slots
PopulateInitial(); //reset dictionary count and slots
//Adds an item to the itemCount dictionary
//or updates the count if item was already in the dictionary
void AddToCounts(ItemInstance item)
int count;
if (InstanceTypeCounts.TryGetValue(item.item.instanceType, out count))
InstanceTypeCounts[item.item.instanceType] = ++count;
Debug.Log("itemCount " + item.item.itemName + " " + count);
else if (InstanceTypeCounts.Count <= NumSlots) //we still have an available slot
InstanceTypeCounts.Add(item.item.instanceType, 1); //add first item
//clear all inventory slots
private void ClearSlots()
for (int i = 0; i < inventorySlots.Count; i++)
//unregister listener when this object is destroyed
private void OnDisable()
} //end class InventoryDisplay