Important: This code is to be used with the Simplified MiniGame. In LevelManager, the script component of type: PlayerController is used, you must make a change to LevelManager, so it uses PlayerController_v2, or change the name of this file, and class to PlayerController.cs
Includes Updates for: InventorySystem, LevelManager.
OnTriggerEnter2D contains code to test for collisions with GameObjects with Collider2D set as 'Trigger' based on several different gameObject tags Tags used in PlayerController :
Requires either PickUp.cs or ScorePickUp.cs
PickUp.cs requires ItemInstance - ScriptableObject - adds value to Score, adds ItemInstance to Inventory
ScorePickUp.cs - adds value to score
Requires either PickUp.cs or Hazard.cs
Invokes: onPlayerDied
Invokes: onReachedExit
Audio clips played if colliding with Pickup with correct audioSource. ( Collectible, Water )
Audio Clips:
Contains custom Events, LevelManager is the subscriber object:
Updated Apr 22, 2019
using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEngine;using UnityEngine.Events;/// Player controller v2./// Code provided /// Sp.2019publicclassPlayerController_v2 : MonoBehaviour{publicUnityEvent onPlayerReachExit =newUnityEvent();publicUnityEvent onPlayerDied =newUnityEvent();publicTransform spawnPoint; //player respawn position for each new levelprivateRigidbody2D rb2D; //declare the variablepublicfloat forceX =50f; //this is probably too smallprivate bool facingRight;public bool grounded; //tracks if player is touching groundprivate bool jump; //has jump key (spacebar been pressed - last)publicTransform groundCheck; //set in inspector, (add child to player - empty gameObject at player's feet)publicLayerMask groundLayer; //set in inspectorpublicfloat groundCheckRadius =0.2f; //modify as neededpublicfloat jumpForce =8f; //modify as needed// Use this for initializationvoidStart() {gameObject.transform.localPosition=spawnPoint.localPosition; rb2D =GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); ///we made the connection with the component facingRight =true; }//Fixed Update is called at regular time intervals - use with Physics2DvoidFixedUpdate() {float inputX =Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); //-1, 0, 1 bool isWalking =Mathf.Abs(inputX) >0; grounded =Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, groundCheckRadius, groundLayer); bool jumpPressed =Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"); //spacebar was last key pressedif (jumpPressed) { jump =true; }else { jump =false; }if (isWalking) {if (inputX >0&&!facingRight) {Flip(); }elseif (inputX <0&& facingRight) {Flip(); }rb2D.velocity=newVector2(0,rb2D.velocity.y);rb2D.AddForce(newVector2(inputX * forceX,0)); } //end if isWalkingif (jump && grounded) {rb2D.velocity=newVector2(rb2D.velocity.x,0); //zero out velocity.y, maintain velocity.xrb2D.AddForce(newVector2(0f, jumpForce),ForceMode2D.Impulse); //add force as impulse } }/// <summary>/// THIS IS THE EVENT that starts the chain reaction of events/// </summary>/// <param name="collision">Collision.</param>//Customize to your game needsprivatevoidOnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) {if (collision.CompareTag("Collectible")) {//update scorePickUp item =collision.GetComponent<PickUp>();if (item !=null) {GameData.instanceRef.Add(item.Value); //points for each specific item's value//add to inventoryGameData.instanceRef.AddItem(item.itemInstance); //points for each specific item's value }else//is it a scoreItem {ScorePickUp scoreItem =collision.GetComponent<ScorePickUp>();if (scoreItem !=null) {GameData.instanceRef.Add(item.Value); //points for each specific item's value } }AudioSource collectSound =collision.gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>();if (collectSound !=null) {AudioClip clip =collectSound.clip;//plays a clip at a point in worldspace, destroyed when doneAudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(clip,newVector3(5,1,2)); }Destroy(collision.gameObject); }elseif (collision.CompareTag("Hazard")) {//decrease healthHazard hItem =collision.GetComponent<Hazard>();if (hItem !=null) {GameData.instanceRef.TakeDamage(hItem.Value); }else//PickUp with Hazard, not added to Inventory here {PickUp item =collision.GetComponent<PickUp>();if (item !=null) {GameData.instanceRef.TakeDamage(item.Value); }Debug.Log("Hit Hazard: value is "+item.Value); }Destroy(collision.gameObject); }elseif (collision.CompareTag("Water")) {Debug.Log("Hit Water");AudioSource diedSound =collision.gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>();if (diedSound !=null) {AudioClip clip =diedSound.clip;//plays a clip at a point in worldspace, destroyed when doneAudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(clip,newVector3(5,1,2)); }if (onPlayerDied !=null) //there are listeners {onPlayerDied.Invoke(); } }elseif (collision.CompareTag("Exit")) {Debug.Log("Hit Exit");onPlayerReachExit.Invoke(); }else {Debug.Log("Hit Something Else"); } } //end functionprivatevoidFlip() { facingRight =!facingRight; //toggle this valueVector3 theScale =transform.localScale;theScale.x*=-1; //we have changed the valuetransform.localScale= theScale; }} //end Class