Simple Dialog Prefab
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How can we create a simple dialog system in Unity? We should try to make something that will work as a prefab, so we can use it in any scene, as many times as we'd like.
We need to include
UI-panel as a container with a CanvasGroup component so we can toggle it's visibiltiy
UI-Text, a child of the UI-panel, this will display the text
UI-Button, a child of the UI-panel, this will allow us to advance through the dialog items
A custom script component- attached to the UI-Panel
will have logic for the dialog system.
-Script must use a public List of strings that can be populated in the inspector, with new dialog each time the panel-prefab is used.
Prefab Link Added Oct 28 F19 Link to UnityPackage with Prefab panels You must add the SimpleDialog script to the Prefab, it is not included with this package.
The image below shows the Hierarchy panel structure of these gameObjects. The SimpleDialog.cs script is attached to the top-level panel object: DialogPrefab. The panel must also have a CanvasGroup component attached. To add a CanvasGroup component, in the Inspector panel: Add Component>Layout > CanvasGroup
The DialogText is anchored to 4 corners of its' parent, the DialogPanel. The NextButton is anchored to the bottom corner of the panel (not shown here).
Prefab: You will create a Prefab of this after adding and configuring the SimpleDialog script component.
Make sure that the DialogText is the first child of the DialogPanel, and that the NextButton is below the DialogText in the Hierarchy Panel, the SpeakerName is the 3rd child Text element of the main panel: DialogPrefab.
In the code, we're finding the DialogText, and the SpeakerText components since it's the first (and third) children objects of the SimpleDialogPanel that has a Text component. If the Button is the first child, then it's text is what'll show the dialog text.
The image below shows part of the Inspector panel for the DialogPrefab. It shows a CanvasGroup component and a SimpleDialog.cs script component have been added. The SimpleDialog script has a Conversations List with adjustable size, each element can hold some dialog text,speakerName, (and Sprite) which will be displayed sequentially when the scene is played.
Below is the code for a simple class that has elements for each ConversationEntry: Since we use the Class Attribute: [System.Serializable], then we'll be able to display and populate each ConversationEntry in our list in the inspector panel.
Now, we just have to figure out how to write the code logic. We need an List of ConversationEntry items, then we need to display them sequentially when the next button has been clicked.
Unity can display for editing, both List< string >, or array: string[] in the inspector below.
List< T > is part of the System.Collections.Generic Namespace in C#. MSDN Reference
Queue< T > is a data structure that operates like a queue / waiting line. It will make it easy to remove each sequential dialog item from the collection so it can be displayed in sequence.MSDN Reference
(See complete code at bottom of page)
Declare Object Reference Variables - ConversationEntry
In the code below we specify that the List< T >
and Queue< T >
will both be collections of ConversationEntry
Declare object reference variables for the components we'll interact with.
Start: Initialize Object Reference Variables
The following logic would be located in the Unity Start( ) event function for this script that's attached to the panel gameObject:
GetComponentsInChildren< Text >()See section below for details
Populate the queue data structure
In the code below we specify that the List< T >
and Queue< T >
will both be collections of ConversationEntry
The nextButton allows the user to move forward through the dialog items. In the Start( ) method, we configured the nextButton's onClick method to execute the GetNextDialog method each time it is clicked. The code below shows that each time the GetNextDialog method is executed, it first checks to make sure there are items in the queue. Then, the dialogText is updated to display the first item in the queue. The Queue< T > Dequeue( ) method retrieves and removes the item at the front of the queue returns that value so it can be used to set the text value for the dialogText. If there are no more items in the queue, then the panel is hidden, using the Utility class static method: HideCG.
The Unity method: GetComponentsInChildren, provides a convenient way to initialize an object reference variable based on the Hierarchy panel's parent-child relationships between gameObjects.
In the code above, we've specified that we want to initialize the Text component reference variable: dialogText, speakerText. Since the current script is on the DialogPanel in our custom prefab, and since there is a UI-Text gameObject that is a child of the DialogPanel, we can access the components on that child object using this method.
Important: Note that this method will find all < T > components while traversing the Parent-child relationships of the gameObject that this script is attached to. So, make sure to order your gameObjects in the hierarchy correctly if you plan to use this method.
Unity also has a similar method: GetComponentsInChildren< T >(), which returns an array of all matching object in children that are ordered according to parent-to children ordering in the hierarchy.Unity Manual