UI-Buttons To Change Scene
In Unity, we can use Scenes to implement game levels. Using the StateManager framework, each StateX.cs script has scene change, event-logic, where we'll write custom methods to be executed when buttons are clicked in the scene that correspond to scene change events.
2 Scene-Change Events in each Scene / State.
Add 2-Buttons to each Scene
Add all scenes to the edit => Build Settings => Scenes
Add code in StateX.cs file to:
A. Find the Button Component
B. Write a custom method to change scenes/ states
C. Add the custom method to the OnClick event of the Button component in script
D. Run the scene and see if the Button Works
Add Scenes to Project Build Settings
Control UI Elements via Code
Although there are methods that allow us to use the inspector to determine which method gets executed when a Button is clicked. Since Unity can is preferable to implement this logic within a custom script. this will make it easier to extend our project and to debug issues. The code below shows how we can create an object-reference variable which will give us access to a the <Button>
Component of a Button GameObject. It is straightforward to write code to have a custom method executed when the button is clicked. Here we have created a method: LoadEndState(), this will switch to the Scene named: "EndScene".
We must create a custom method that we want to have executed by the Button component's onClick event, we'll learn more about passing functions to the AddListener Method, but essentially, we are using the method name: LoadBeginState, as an argument to AddListener( ), this registers our LoadBeginState as a Listener to this button's onClick event.
Button Logic in BeginState to Switch Scenes
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