Configure TitlePanel, DecisionPanel
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This page provides configuration details for other GameObjects used with Dialog Prefabs.
For any UI-Panel that you'd like to show/hide, you must add a CanvasGroup, and the Hide_Show_Panel script as shown in the image below.
The Hide_Show_Panel.cs script component's public fields: ShowOnStart, CloseButton, OpenButton will be configured according to desired behavior for each situation. The examples below show a few possible configurations.
Example Configuration for TitlePanel shown above
The image below shows the hierarchy panel for a TitlePanel that has a UI text, and a UI-Button that can be used to open a dialog prefab.
TitlePanel: This is a UI-Panel with children:
UI-Text: TitleText
UI_Button: StartDialogBtn
Attach CanavasGroup
Attach Hide_Show_Panel.cs The Hide_Show_Panel script will make sure the panel shows at start, and is hidden when the StartDialogBtn is clicked.
Configuration for Hide_Show_Panel.cs on TitlePanel:
ShowOnStart checked as True
CloseButton: StartDialogBtn
OpenButton: empty
This prefab is a UI panel that contains 2 buttons that can be used for scene change logic in all scenes. It should start as hidden, then it's opened by the DialogPanel's script, when there's no dialog left to display. It is configured as the "NextPanelToOpen" for the SimpleDialog and DialogManager scripts.
DecisionPanel:This is a UI-Panel with 2 child-objects that are UI-Buttons.
RectTransform anchors for the buttons should be set to: ButtonOption1: Left Edge of parent (vertically aligned to center) ButtonOption2: Right Edges of parent (vertically aligned to center)
Attach CanvasGroup and Hide_Show_Panel.cs
Configuration for Hide_Show_Panel.cs on DecisionPanel:
ShowOnStart not checked - default is false
CloseButton: empty
OpenButton: empty
Once Configured: Create prefabs for reuse in other scenes.