Singleton Pattern

Singleton is a Programming Design Pattern:

In software engineering, the singleton pattern is a software design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system wikipedia

An implementation of the singleton pattern must:

  • ensure that only one instance of the singleton class ever exists

  • provide global access to that instance


Singleton in Unity:

In Unity, Singletons are often used for management of aspects a game such as: state-manager, data-manager, audio-manager, etc.

In Unity, the Singleton Pattern should ensure:

  • only one instance of the object exists

  • in each scene, it's necessary to destroy any instances that are created as duplicates

  • A global, static variable should be initialized that creates an object-reference to the singleton object.

  • Code to create a Singleton should be located in Awake( );

StateManager Singleton

public class StateManager : MonoBehaviour {

    public static StateManager instanceRef;  //this will be a reference to the only class object instance allowed to exist

    //Called before any GameObjects Start() method is called
    //Allows pre-initialization: Called once when a script is loaded
    void Awake(){
        if(instanceRef==null){  //test to see if instanceRef has been assigned to an object yet.
            instanceRef=this;  //if not, assign it to this current object instance
            Debug.Log ("create me");
            DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject);  //make sure the gameObject that this is attached to is not destroyed when jumping to a new scene
        else{  //an instance of this class had previously been created.
            Debug.Log ("destroy me");
            DestroyImmediate(gameObject);  //destroy gameObject and the script object instance, to prevent duplication

    //additional StateManager code

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