InventoryDisplay, Slot UI
Project 3 is focuses on Understanding Event-Driven System-level code-structures.
Inventory System
Step 1: The Inventory System uses Scriptable-objects to create custom objects that can represent items a player might collect during game-play. The Inventory-System separates game-data storage-functionality from UI-interaction-display functionality. Inventory-System Code, InventoryDisplay Prefabs, and Customization Steps are provided in these sections of the gitbook.
For InventoryDisplay, an error may occur if you click into an empty slot. Optional: fix this error, update your code for Slot.cs
Level-Manager for Enhanced MiniGame
Once you have a working Inventory-System, proceed to completing the enhanced MiniGame by adding logic for multi-level game.
Step 2. Create C# Script LevelManager.cs - using Code Framework
Custom UnityEvents: The LevelManager-System uses custom UnityEvents to manage decoupled object-communication. Scripts were modified to integrate additional logic for Publishing, Listening for custom UnityEvents across several classes: GameData, PlayerController, LevelManager, MiniGState.
Enhanced Game-play:The Minigame is modified to include enhanced concepts: timer, collect-use items, camera-follow, water-hazard, platforms, scene-fading, scene-reloading. Consequences for win/lose mini-game must exist.
Project 3 Steps: Enhanced MiniGame
Start by updating, or creating Scripts following the steps below.
Updated GameData.cs included with Inventory System
Step 1: Update GameData Script Update the code for GameData. To play-test in the MiniGame Scene, add GameData script to an empty-gameObject: GameManager, make sure you have created a ScriptableObject - Inventory object, select that Inventory on the GameData script.
Updated GameData: Add: 4/30/19
Update PlayerController.cs, Player gameObject
Player: Update PlayerController Script This includes 2 custom UnityEvents.
Create Tags: Exit, Water These tags are used in OnTriggerEnter2D in PlayerController. If not using Exit or Water features, you can remove the associated code in OnTriggerEnter2D, then you won't need these new Tags, otherwise, you'll get an error if the Tags don't exist.
PlayerSpawnPoint: Create an Empty GameObject: PlayerSpawnPoint, select an icon so it is visible in the scene. Position this gameObject at the position that you want the player positioned at the start of each level. Populate this on the PlayerController, and LevelManager components in the inspector. Make sure the PlayerSpawnPoint has Transform.Position.Z = 0 (if Z= -10 you won't see the player)
PlayerController_v2: Possible Issue: If using PlayerController_v2, you must update code in LevelManager that uses data-type PlayerController, or rename your file to: PlayerController
Set Tag: 'Player' for the Player gameObject if using CameraFollow
Create LevelManager.cs, Create LevelManager GameObject
Create empty gameObject: LevelManager
Delete MiniGameManager, and MiniGameManager.cs, replace with LevelManager
Add script: LevelManager.cs to LevelManager in Scene Create or update code in LevelManager, add to LevelManager empty gameObject. Look at the inspector fields for LevelManager.
Add Code in LevelManager Start( ), to disable gameObjectLayers, 2 and 3. Put near bottom of Start,
ResultsPanel, StartGameButton Issue in MiniGame
Issue with ResultsPanel CanvasGroup: You must configure the LevelManager code to match your gameObject configuration. If StartGameButton is a child of ResultsPanel, the StartLevel2 button will not appear.
Move the StartButton in the Hierarchy so it is not a child of the ResultsPanel, so that the StartButton can be re-activated for starting each level (otherwise the StartButton is hidden when the ResultsPanel is hidden). This is how the code is implemented in the provided LevelManager script.
Otherwise: Add logic: Utility.HideCG( cg ); Utility.ShowCG( cg ); when loading each level - similar to the current logic to activate, disable the StartGameButton in the code, to insure the StartButton for each level is visible.
You will need to do Further configuration for LevelManager, see below
Update PlayerStats.cs
PlayerStats Code updated 4/24/2019
PlayerStats.cs script must be updated so it uses GameData UnityEvent and remove code using MiniGameManager in PlayerStats.
PickUp, Hazard, ScorePickUp
Create or update these scripts. Note, the value variable in Hazard may be accessed using a Property, if not using the property, make value a public variable, fix capitalization in PlayerController OnTriggerEnter.
Update Spawner.cs
Updated code destroys all types of spawned objects. Some issue with method name: Fix the method name to match your code in LevelManager.cs, you can delete MiniGameManager.cs:
DestroySpawnedObjects( )
DestroyAllSpawnedObjects( )
Create ScreenFader.cs (optional)
ScreenFader (optional) The LevelManager includes code for a ScreenFader functionality, either remove that code, or create a new C# script, paste code for ScreenFader.cs. Put the ScreenFader script on the MainCamera gameObject in any scene you want Fade-in during start. Code must be modified in State scripts if you want Fade-out at the end of a scene. For any scene that uses ScreenFader, you must create a UI-Image gameObject, move it out of the camera's view, set the color to black.
Important: If you don't use ScreenFader, you must change code in LevelManager: ReloadMiniGame()
Create CameraFollow.cs (optional)
CameraFollow (optional) : Player must have Tag: Player Create a new C# script, paste code for CameraFollow.cs, attach to MainCamera in MiniGame. This assumes you have a background image larger than the camera's viewport, play around with variables that restrict amount of camera movement, so it works with your backgrounds. Set and adjust MaxX and Y, MinX and Y, to constrain the camera's movement in X,Y directions, see image above.
MiniGame Scene: GameObjects
Create 3 Level-Specific: Parent GameObjects, one for each Level, with children gameObjects: background, spawner, etc. Add these to the LevelManager script. Ordering in the Hierarchy and Inspector must match images below.
LevelManager Required Code Updates for activating Level3 gameObjects:
You need to write custom code for 2 methods to activate Level 3:
You can use modified logic (similar to: LoadLevel2 ) by modifying code in the indicated 6 code statements below. Each line with comment: //-UPDATE, needs to be modified for Level3 functionality.** Note that the array indexes are different than the level number:
index [0] corresponds to Level 1
index [1] corresponds to Level 2
index [2] corresponds to Level 3
UI Elements:
Create 2 UI-Text fields: LevelText, TimerText: these will display the level number and the timer in seconds. Populate the LevelManager public fields in the Inspector panel using these gameObjects.
Optional: Create a LevelScore UI-Text, showing the LevelScore and MaxLevel score for each level. ( The PlayerStats score displays the total accumulated score)
3 PickUp ItemInstance Prefabs,Exit, Water
Spawned ItemInstance Objects Create at least 3 different types of 'Good' prefabs to be spawned during game-levels. You must have 3 different types of ItemInstance objects, including your custom child-class of Item class. Attach to spawned prefabs using the ItemInstance in the PickUp script. There must be 3 different types of items that are collected in the inventory.
Exit GameObject Logic so the player can advance to next level when triggering an exit event. Create a 2D sprite gameObject, Attach a Collider2D, select isTrigger is true, add Tag: 'Exit'. When the player triggers the collider, PlayerController invokes the OnReachExit custom UnityEvent, with the LevelManager as a listener for the event.
Water GameObjects Create one or more gameObjects to represent water. Have a parent gameObject with a collider2D set as isTrigger is true. Add tag: 'Water'. If the player collides with the water, the onPlayerDied event is invoked in PlayerController with LevelManager as an event listener.
MiniGame - Leave Scene, Win - Lose Consequences:
Examine updated code for MiniGState.cs and EndState.cs
MiniGState.cs: When a player wins or loses the MiniGame, an event is invoked in LevelManager: onMiniGameOver. The MiniGState is a listener for that event. This provides a way to have scene transition due to a game-event, instead of the normal Buttons used to change scenes. Select code in the provided MiniGState.cs file for your desired logic. Be Careful - if you use the provided code, to overwrite your existing MiniGState.cs file, you may remove existing scene-change button logic in your MiniGame Scene.
EndState.cs: There must be some logic to implement consequences for winning or losing the Minigame. In the provided EndState.cs, code controls the display of a UI-Text element that gives the player feedback that they won or lost the MiniGame. Be creative when implementing logic for consequences, the provided code is the minimum viable option. Be Careful - if you use the provided code, to overwrite your existing EndState.cs file, you may remove existing scene-change button logic in your EndScene.
Last updated
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