GameData Version3

This version of GameData includes C# Dictionary choiceData and methods to save and access key,value pairs of data.

You must update your GameData code to this version in order to use the choiceData dictionary and methods.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// Singleton Object to store all GameData
/// Is not destroyed when changing scenes
/// </summary>
public class GameData : MonoBehaviour
    public static GameData instanceRef; //null //variable that can point to a GameData object

    private int score;
    private int health;

    private Dictionary<string,string> choiceData = new Dictionary< string,string>();
    /// <summary>
    /// Properties - provide read/write access to variables
    /// </summary>

    public int  Score
        get { return score; } //Read access
                                   // set { totalScore = value; }   //write access

    public int Health
        get { return health; } //read-only acccess

    // Awake is called before Start() is called on any GameObject
    // Other objects have dependencies on this object so it must be created first
    void Awake()
        if (instanceRef == null)  //this code hasn't been executed before
            instanceRef = this; //point to object instance currently executing this code
            DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); //don't destroy the gameObject this is attached to
        else  //this object is not the first, it's an imposter that must be destroyed
            Debug.Log("Destroy GameData Imposter");

        //initialize after destroying imposters
        score = 0;
        health = 100;

    } //end Awake

    //will be executed in PlayerController when colliding with a collectible
    public void Add(int value)
        score += value;
        Debug.Log("Score updated: " + score); //display score in console
    }// end Add

    public void TakeDamage(int value)
        health -= value;
        Debug.Log("health updated: " + health); //display health in console
        if (health <= 0)
            Debug.Log("Health less than 0"); //display health in console
    }//end TakeDamage
    //uses score points to purchase something
     public void Buy(int value)
        score -= value;
        Debug.Log("Buy: score reduced " + score);

    //increases player health
    public void BoostHealth(int value)
        health += value;
        health = Mathf.Min(health, 100);
        Debug.Log("boosting health, new health " + health);

    //save any <string, string > key-value pair in choiceData dictionary
    public void SaveChoice(string choiceKey, string choiceValue)
        if (choiceData.ContainsKey(choiceKey))
            choiceData[choiceKey] = choiceValue; //change stored value
            Debug.Log("Choice Changed" + choiceKey + " : " + choiceValue);
            choiceData.Add(choiceKey, choiceValue); //adds key,value pair
            Debug.Log("Choice Data Created" + choiceKey + " : " + choiceValue);

    //given key, read any < string, string > key-value pair 
    public string GetChoice(string choiceKey)
        string choiceValue = "None";
        choiceData.TryGetValue(choiceKey, out choiceValue);
        Debug.Log("Choice Data Accessed" + choiceKey + " : " + choiceValue);
        return choiceValue;

    //removes item from dictionary if key exists
    public void RemoveChoice( string choiceKey)
    //called when restarting the miniGame
    public void ResetGameData()
        score = 0;
        health = 100;

}//end class GameData

Optional way to initialize Dictionary Values when GameData Awake( ) is executed

 //Initialize with default state values
 //Executed in Awake( ) 
    void InitializeChoiceStatevalues()
        SaveChoice("LucyState", "deficiency");
        SaveChoice("ZombieState", "hungry");
        SaveChoice("RobotState", "agent");
        SaveChoice("CatState", "missing");
        SaveChoice("MonsterState", "angry");


Last updated

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