Configure Animation
Animate Inventory: Steps to add simple Animation to the ISimple_Inventory Prefab
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Animate Inventory: Steps to add simple Animation to the ISimple_Inventory Prefab
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The video above shows how to add Animation to the ISimple_Inventory Prefab
The InventoryDisplay.cs script already contains animation logic so the InventoryDisplay prefab: ISimple_Inventory is 'off-screen' when a scene starts, but when the Tab key is pressed, then the prefab moves to it's 'on-screen' position.
InventoryDisplay: download, add to Scene, configure: Once you have the ISimple_Inventory added to the Canvas in a scene, and you've added the InventoryDisplay.cs script to the prefab, and hit 'apply' to update the prefab, then follow the Animation steps below.
Remember to set the Rect-Transform Anchors once the Prefabs have been added to the Scene
Animation Steps:
Step 1: Add Animator Component to the ISimple_Inventory prefab.: The script InventoryDisplay.cs script has animation logic included, so the script does not need to be modified.
Step 2: Open Animation Window: Menu > Window > Animation (anchor the Animation tab as you desire. In these images, it has been anchored to the bottom panel)
Step 3: Create new Animation Clip With the ISimple_Inventory gameObject selected in the Hierarchy, in the Animation window, select the button in the middle pane to create an animation clip for this gameObject.
Create First: 1 of 2 AnimationClips. 1. HideInventory Animation: Position Inventory Panel in it's off-screen position.
Step 4: Add Property - Anchored Position In the lower-left panel for the Animation window, select the Add Property Button, select the AnchoredPosition by selecting the gray-plus sign to the right of that option, see image below:
Step 5: Remove Property: Anchored Position.y Select the Anchored Position.y and right-click to select Remove Property, this will insure that only the horizontal position will be animated.
Step 6: Remove Keyframes at time: 1.00 The image below shows that right-clicking on the blue highlighted keyframes at time: 1.00, gives the pop-up window option to delete the final keyframes for this animation. This insures that only the initial position of the InventoryDisplay is used for each animation clip.
Step 7: Repeat steps 3-6 to create ShowInventory Animation Clip For the ShowInventory Animation Clip, move the InventoryDisplay prefab to it's on-screen postion.x to set the keyframes at 0.0;
Step 8: Configure Animator Controller. Open the Animator Window. After both animation clips have been created, the Animator Component now shows an Animator controller has been created: ISimple_Inventory, and set in the Animator Component. See Image below. The image below shows that InventoryHide should be the 'Animator Controller's Default State',it should be orange, with a connecting arrow from the Entry state. If this is not the case, right click on the InventoryHide state and select: Set as Layer Default State.
From each State node, right click to create a transition arrow to the other state.
Step 9: Create Parameter: Bool: IsVisible In the left panel of the Animator Controller, create a Parameter: Bool 'IsVisible'. Then select each transition arrow and configure the following logic in the right side panel:
Un-check: HasExitTime InventoryHide -> InventoryShow if IsVisible is true InventoryShow -> InventoryHide if IsVisible is false
Step 10: Test: Play the Scene, Press the 'Tab' key to switch between showing / hiding the InventoryDisplay Prefab.
Make sure that the Parameter: IsVisible is spelled correctly, it must match spelling / capitalization used within the InventoryDisplay.cs script.
Make sure the InventoryDisplay.cs script has been added as a component to the ISimple_Inventory Prefab.