PlayerStats Version1

This project1 will use a UI-Panel with 2 children: UI-Text elements to display the score and health values that are stored in the GameData component. Note: Required updates for GameData - V2

Steps Create GameObjects:

  • UI-Panel: ScorePanel

  • UI-Text: ScoreText

  • UI-Text: HealthText

Directions: 1. Add A UI-Panel Element to the Hierarchy, 2. Name it: ScorePanel. 3. If these are the first UI elements added to the Scene, follow the directions to configure the Canvas RenderMode

  • Canvas - the parent GameObject for all UI elements

  • Panel - used here as a container for 2 UI-Text elements

  • EventSystem - manages UI event-handling - if UI events don't seem to be working, make sure that one of these components is in the Hierarchy.

  • When any additional UI elements are added to the Hierarchy, the Canvas will be the parent element.

  • Modify the Canvas's RenderMode, set it to 'Screen-space Camera', and select the Main-camera as the render camera

Configure Rect-Transforms

  • Resize the Panel and Use the Rect-Transform component to set the Panel's anchors to the top of the canvas.

    • Add UI-Text element as a child: name it: ScoreText

    • Use Rect-Transform Component panel to set the anchors of the ScoreText so it is aligned to the Middle-Right Side of the ScorePanel.

    • Add UI-Text element as a child: name it: HealthText

    • Use Rect-Transform Component panel to set the anchors of the HealthText so it is aligned to the Middle-Left Side of the ScorePanel.

Attach Script to Panel ScorePanel

  • Attach the PlayerStats.cs script to the ScorePanel gameObject.

  • Populate the Inspector fields: ScoreText and HealthText in the Inspector using the ScoreText and HealthText GameObjects.

  • Optionally add a CanvasGroup component if you want to hide the PlayerStats Panel prior to state. Logic needs to be added for this functionality

Class: PlayerStats.cs:

Requires update to GameData - see GameData-V2 code

//Feb 22, 2020
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

//Script component to update Score and Health Display

public class PlayerStats : MonoBehaviour {

    //make connection with Text elements in the inspector
    Text healthText;
    Text scoreText;
    // Use this for initialization

    void Start()

    void Update(){ //called every frame - polling to see if data changed

    //This will eventually be executed as an event-listener so it is declared
    //as a public method
    public void UpdateDisplay(){
        healthText.text = "Health: " + GameData.instanceRef.Health;
        scoreText.text = "Score: " + GameData.instanceRef.Score;
} // end Class

GameData Version2 - With Properties: Health, Score

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class GameData : MonoBehaviour
    public static GameData instanceRef;  //null    singleton global variable

    private int score;
    private int health;

    public int Score   //PROPERTY
        get { return score;  } //read Only Access

    public int Health
        get { return health; }  ///readOnly access

    //TODO Add Properties for Score, Health

    void Awake()
        if (instanceRef == null)
            instanceRef = this;   //the object currently executing the code
            Debug.Log(" Destroyed GameData Imposter ");

        score = 0;
        health = 100;

    } //end of awake

    //Increases Score, called in PlayerController
    public void Add(int value)
        score += value;
        Debug.Log("Score updated " + score);

    public void TakeDamage(int value)
        health -= value; //subtract points from health
        Debug.Log("Health updated " + health);
        if (health <= 0)
            Debug.Log("Health is ZERO gameOver ");

    public void ResetGameData()
        score = 0;
        health = 100;

}// end of GameData

Last updated