
The code below is an example of a simple countdown timer. The code would need modified to be useful in the LevelManager. The timer uses a co-routine that pauses 1 second between each repeat.

//modified ,based on Code from:https://www.noob-programmer.com/unity3d/countdown-timer/

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class CountDown : MonoBehaviour {

  public int timeLeft = 60; //Seconds Overall
  public Text countdown; //UI Text Object
  void Start () {
    Time.timeScale = 1; //Just making sure that the timeScale is right
  void Update () {
    countdown.text = ("" + timeLeft); //Showing the Score on the Canvas
  //Simple Coroutine
  IEnumerator LoseTime()
    while (true) {
      yield return new WaitForSeconds (1);

} //end class

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