We can use the Processing function: get( x, y); to find the HSB color of any pixel on the canvas. If we combine that with our color-wheel, we can make a simple version of the Adobe Color Theme tool.
For any selected pixel, which we identify as having the current color, we can find the complimentary color by finding a hue value on the opposite side of the color-wheel.
Find complimentary color by adding 180 degrees to _hue, and use modulus 360 to constrain color values to 0-359 range
float _complimentHue = (_hue + 180) % 360;
Finally, create a set of rectangles filled with sat, bright variations of the curColor and complimentHue
Color Palette Program
////Global Variables
float sat, bright;
///for initialization
void setup() {
size( 800, 800);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100);
sat = 100; //initialize to full value saturation
bright = 100;
void draw() {
if (mousePressed) { //when mousePressed, show Saturation version
} else { //otherwise show brightness variation version
//create complimentary colorPalette using get( ) function to find color of pixel at mouse position
color curColor = get( mouseX, mouseY);
createColorPalette( curColor, 0, 0); //createColorPalette with currentColor under mouse, at 0,0
void createColorPalette(color curColor, int x, int y) {
float _hue = hue(curColor);
float _sat = saturation(curColor);
float complimentHue = (_hue + 180)% 360;
fill(_hue, _sat * .6, 70); //first one darkest, dullest
rect( x, y, 100, 100);
fill(_hue, _sat * .7, 100 );//second one, brighter than first
rect( x + 100, y, 100, 100);
rect( x+200, y, 100, 100); //current one in the middle
fill( complimentHue, _sat, 70); //darker compliment
rect( x+ 300, y, 100, 100);
fill( complimentHue, _sat*.8, 100); //lighter compliment
rect( x+ 400, y, 100, 100);
} //end colorPalette
void satGradientColorWheel( float size) {
bright=100; //make sure bright and sat start at full values for outer circle
for ( int i= 100; i>0; i -= 5) {
drawColorWheel(size * i / 100.0 );
void brightGradientColorWheel(float size) {
sat=100; //make sure bright and sat start at full values for outer circle
for ( int i= 100; i>0; i -= 5) {
drawColorWheel(size * i / 100.0 );
//draws a full color wheel
void drawColorWheel( float size ) {
float angleSize=10; //declare and intialize local variables
float startDegree=0; //used for drawing arc, value changes in loop after each arc is drawn
int numSlices = int(360/angleSize); ///loop maximum value: how many slices to draw?
for (int i=0; i < numSlices; i++) {
float endDegree = startDegree + angleSize;
float hue = startDegree + ( angleSize / 2); //calculate hue for middle of arc
fill( hue, sat, bright); //set fill
arc( width/2, height/2, size, size, radians(startDegree), radians( endDegree));
startDegree += angleSize; //change startDegree for each new slice to be drawn