class Slider{
float x,y; //position
float w, h; //size
String label;
float min, max; //end points of range
float sliderX; //mouseX when slider value changes
float sliderVal; //calculate using the map function
float hue, sat, bright; //IMPORTANT REMEMBER THESE ALL HAVE VALUE of 0.0
Slider(float x, float y, float w, float h, float min, float max, String label ){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.label = label;
sliderX = x + w/2.0 ;
sliderVal = map( sliderX, x, x+w, min, max);
//Behaviors - Methods
void backgroundLayer(){
fill( 200);
rect( x-5, y-28,w+10, h+34); //larger than inner slider
fill(0); //text color
textAlign( RIGHT);
text( label,x+w, y-16);
void display( ){
backgroundLayer( );
fill( 150);
rect( x,y,w,h);
//indicator rectangle
rect( sliderX-2, y-3, 4, h+6);
text( (int)sliderVal, sliderX+2, y-4);
boolean checkPressed( int mx, int my){
boolean changed = false;
if( mx > x && mx < x+w && my> y && my< y+h){
sliderX = mx;
sliderVal = map( sliderX, x, x+w, min, max);
changed = true;
} //end if
return changed;
}//end checkPressed
} //end class slider
Main Tab Code:
In the code below, we use a slider instance to control the scale of an ellipse
Slider slider1;
float hue; //modified by the slider
void setup(){
size( 700, 700);
colorMode( HSB, 360,100,100);
slider1 = new Slider( 200,200, 200, 30, 0, 360, "Hue");
hue = slider1.sliderVal; //initialize hue using slider to set the initial value
void draw(){
background( 0);
if( mousePressed){
boolean isChanged = slider1.checkPressed( mouseX, mouseY);
hue = slider1.sliderVal; //update hue using updated sliderVal
fill( hue, 100, 100); //hue modified by slider1
rect( 20,20, 50,50); //rectangle hue modified by slider1
For the HueSlider child class, we override the display( ) method. We use a for-loop to draw vertical lines across the rectangle, where each line's color is determined by the map function. The map function calculates what the hueValue should be for each value of i in the for-loop. The for-loop is executed once for every pixel of width in the display's rectangle. So, one line is drawn for every value of i, so map calculates what the hueValue should be, based on i having a range of values from 0-w, where the hueValue should have a range of values from min to max.
class HueSlider extends Slider{
// Slider(float x, float y, float w, float h, float min, float max, String label ){
HueSlider(float x, float y, float w, float h, float min, float max){
super( x, y, w, h, min, max, "HUE");
//METHODS - displays specialized background with ROYGBIV
void display(){
super.backgroundLayer(); //call base class method
for( int i=0; i< w; i++){
float hueValue = map(i,0,w,min, max);
stroke( hueValue, 100, 100);
line(x+i, y, x+i, y+h);
}//end for-loop
//Indicator rectangle
//reset stroke
fill(sliderVal, 100, 100);//black
rect( sliderX-2, y-3, 4, h+6);
fill(0); //for text
text( (int)sliderVal, sliderX+2, y-4);
}//end display
}//end class
The SatSlider also overrides the display( ) method from the base-class. It has logic to determine how the saturation value should change for each vertical line drawn from i=0 to i=w (the width of the rectangle).
class SatSlider extends Slider{
//no child-class instance variables
//base class slider constructor
// Slider(int x, int y, int w, int h, float min, float max, String label ){
//Define constructor
SatSlider( int x, int y, int w, int h, float min, float max ){
super(x, y, w, h, min, max, "Sat" ); //call base-class constructor
//Draw vertical lines where the saturation changes from min to max
void display(){
float satValue = 0; ///this will be used to color the line
///creates saturation varied background of the hitbox rectangle
for( int i = 0; i< w; i++){
satValue = map( i, 0, w, min, max); ///convert pixels to colors
stroke( hue, satValue, 100);
line( x + i, y, x+i, y+h);
stroke( 50);
fill(hue ,sliderVal, 100);
rect( sliderX-2, y-3, 4, h+6);
} //end display
} // end satSlider