Code Wed Apr 22
Code Wed. Apr 22, 2020
Code includes some minor changes to slider in the main tab. The main tab Slider is now a lengthSlider so that integer display of the value makes sense. There are minor changes to the formatting of background and text labels in the slider class tab so that the numerical display does not overlap the label display.
//Main Tab
//Make objects, objects call methods
//Global Variables
ButtonGroup btnGroup; //will hold 4 pattern buttons
Button clearButton;//declare the variable as global - btn is null
color backgroundColor;
color patternFillColor; //global
color patternStrokeColor; //
//TODO ADD global patternFillColor
Pattern currentPattern; //pointer variable keeps track of active Pattern
Pattern eraserPattern; //has a PShape circle and background fillColor
Slider lengthSlider;
void setup() {
size( 800, 800);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);
backgroundColor = color( 300); //light gray
background( backgroundColor);
// Button( float x, float y, float w, float h, String label )
clearButton = new Button( 10, 450, 100, 100, "Clear"); //initialize - move to bottom
Button[] btnArray = new Button[4]; //declare and initialize button array
btnArray[0] = new Button( 10, 10, 100, 100, "Eraser");
PImage img1 = loadImage( "pattern1Btn.png"); //file name with extension
btnArray[1] = new PImageButton( 10, 120, 100, 100, img1);
btnArray[2] = new Button( 10, 230, 100, 100, "Pattern2");
btnArray[3] = new Button( 10, 340, 100, 100, "Pattern3");
btnGroup = new ButtonGroup( btnArray );
//Logic for patterns
PShape s0 = createShape( ELLIPSE, 0,0, 50, 50);
eraserPattern = new Pattern( s0 );
eraserPattern.fillColor = color(backgroundColor);//start with Purple
eraserPattern.strokeColor = color(backgroundColor);
currentPattern = eraserPattern;
//Slider(float x, float y, float w, float h, float min, float max, String label ){
lengthSlider = new Slider( 40,height - 40, 200, 30, 10, 200, "Length");
} // end setup
void draw( ) {
if( mousePressed){
checkSliders( );
translate( mouseX, mouseY );
displayPattern( ); //draw currentPattern
displayButtons(); //do after drawing patterns
} //end draw
void mouseClicked( ) {
boolean isChanged = btnGroup.clicked( mouseX, mouseY);
if( isChanged){
clearButton.clicked( mouseX, mouseY);
if( clearButton.selected ){
} //end mouseClicked
void displaySliders(){
}//end displaySliders
boolean checkSliders(){
boolean isChanged = false;
if( lengthSlider.checkPressed( mouseX, mouseY)){
isChanged = true;
return isChanged;
} //end checkSliders
void changePattern(){
//TODO add logic to connect buttons to patterns
//activeBtnIndex will let us determine which pattern should be the currentPattern
//Switch Case Statement
float len = 100; //scale slider will set / modify this value
switch( btnGroup.activeBtnIndex){
case 0:
currentPattern = eraserPattern;
case 1:
PShape s1 = createShape( RECT, 0,0,len *.8 , len);
currentPattern = new Pattern( s1);
case 2:
PShape s2 = createShape( RECT, 0,0,len , len);
currentPattern = new Pattern( s2);
case 3:
PShape s3 = vertexShape1( len );
currentPattern = new Pattern( s3 );
println("No match on switch case");
} //end switch-case statement
} //end changePattern
void displayPattern(){
if( currentPattern != eraserPattern){
patternFillColor = color( 280, 100, 100, 50);
patternStrokeColor = color( 0, 50);
currentPattern.fillColor = patternFillColor;
currentPattern.strokeColor = patternStrokeColor;
currentPattern.display(); //sliders will set colors for other patterns
} //end displayPattern
void clearCanvas(){
//TODO add code to draw a rectangle over the full canvas using background color
fill( backgroundColor);
rect( 0,0, width,height);
}//end clearCanvas
void displayButtons(){
fill(0); //black
rect( 0,0, 120, height);//background of menu
} //end displayButtons
//Modify to remove color parameter and color logic
PShape vertexShape1( float len){
PShape s2 = createShape();
s2.beginShape( );
s2.vertex( 0, 0);
s2.vertex( len * .5, len * .5);
s2.vertex( len, .7 * len);
s2.vertex( len * .5, len);
s2.vertex( 0, len);
s2.vertex( 0,0);
s2.vertex( .2 * len, .35 * len);
s2.vertex( .25 * len, .75 * len);
s2.vertex( .35 * len, .45 * len);
s2.vertex( .5 * len, .25 * len);
s2.endShape( CLOSE);
return s2;
class Button{
//Variables, Properties, Data stored in memory
float x,y; //position
float w, h; //size
String label;
color selectedColor, defaultColor, currentColor; //HSB
boolean selected; //false by default
Button( float x, float y, float w, float h, String label ){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.label = label;
selectedColor = color( 280, 100, 100); //purple
defaultColor = color( 280, 70,50);//dull, dark version
currentColor = defaultColor;
selected = false; //button starts in off state
} //end constructor
//METHODS , functions an object can execute for behaviour
void display( ){
rect( x, y, w, h);
fill(0); //set fill to black
textAlign(CENTER); //x,y specifies center line of text
text( label, x+ w/2.0, y+ h/2.0 + 10);
void clicked( int mx, int my){ //mouseX, mouseY
if( mx > x && mx < x+w && my> y && my< y+h){ //mouse is inside button box
selected = !selected; //toggle the value
//println("btn has been clicked, selected value " + selected);
if( selected){
currentColor = selectedColor;
currentColor = defaultColor;
} //end else
} //clicked method
void reset(){
selected = false;
currentColor = defaultColor;
}//end class
class ButtonGroup{
//Properties - data
Button[] buttons;
int activeBtnIndex;
ButtonGroup( Button[] buttons ){
this.buttons = buttons;
activeBtnIndex = 0; //first button is 'active' it is the eraser
void display(){
for( int i=0; i< buttons.length; i++){
} //end for
} //end display
//returns true if a button has been changed to active state
boolean clicked( int mx, int my ){
boolean isChanged = false;
for( int i=0; i< buttons.length; i++){ //for every button - outer loop
if( buttons[i].selected == false){ //this button is not currently active
buttons[i].clicked( mx, my);
if( buttons[i].selected == true){
activeBtnIndex = i;
isChanged = true;
for( int j=0; j< buttons.length; j++){
if( i != j){ //not the current button
} //end if
} //end inner loop
}//end if selected is true
}//end if selected is false
} //outer loop
return isChanged;
} //end clicked
}//end class
class PImageButton extends Button{
//Variables - Data
PImage img;
//Button( float x, float y, float w, float h, String label )
PImageButton( float x, float y, float w, float h, PImage img ){
super( x, y, w,h,"" ); //call to base class constructor
this.img = img;
} //end constructor
//METHODS - Behaviours
void display( ){
super.display(); //call the base class method
image( img, x+10, y+10, w-20, h-20);
} //end class
class Pattern{
PShape s;
color fillColor, strokeColor;
boolean isSvg; //true if loaded from an external file
Pattern( PShape s ){
this.s = s;
void display(){
if( isSvg){
//add some fill logic
}else{ //most of the time
s.setFill( fillColor);
s.setStroke( strokeColor); //black by default
shape( s, 0, 0); //assume translated origin to mouseX, mouseY
} //end Pattern class
class Slider{
float x,y; //position
float w, h; //size
String label;
float min, max; //end points of range
float sliderX; //mouseX when slider value changes
float sliderVal; //calculate using the map function
Slider(float x, float y, float w, float h, float min, float max, String label ){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.label = label;
sliderX = x + w/2.0 ;
sliderVal = map( sliderX, x, x+w, min, max);
//Behaviors - Methods
void backgroundLayer(){
fill( 200);
rect( x-5, y-28,w+10, h+34); //larger than inner slider
fill(0); //text color
textAlign( RIGHT);
text( label,x+w, y-16);
void display( ){
backgroundLayer( );
fill( 150);
rect( x,y,w,h);
//indicator rectangle
rect( sliderX-2, y-3, 4, h+6);
text( (int)sliderVal, sliderX+2, y-4);
boolean checkPressed( int mx, int my){
boolean changed = false;
if( mx > x && mx < x+w && my> y && my< y+h){
sliderX = mx;
sliderVal = map( sliderX, x, x+w, min, max);
changed = true;
} //end if
return changed;
}//end checkPressed
} //end class slider
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