Code Wed Apr 22

Code Wed. Apr 22, 2020

Code includes some minor changes to slider in the main tab. The main tab Slider is now a lengthSlider so that integer display of the value makes sense. There are minor changes to the formatting of background and text labels in the slider class tab so that the numerical display does not overlap the label display.

//Main Tab
//Make objects, objects call methods

//Global Variables
ButtonGroup btnGroup;  //will hold 4 pattern buttons
Button clearButton;//declare the variable as global - btn is null
color backgroundColor;
color patternFillColor;  //global
color patternStrokeColor; //
//TODO ADD global patternFillColor

Pattern currentPattern; //pointer variable keeps track of active Pattern
Pattern eraserPattern;  //has a PShape circle and background fillColor

Slider lengthSlider;

void setup() {
  size( 800, 800);
  colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100);
  backgroundColor = color( 300); //light gray
  background( backgroundColor);
 // Button( float x, float y, float w, float h, String label  )
  clearButton = new Button( 10, 450, 100, 100, "Clear");  //initialize - move to bottom
  Button[] btnArray = new Button[4]; //declare and initialize button array
  btnArray[0] = new Button( 10, 10, 100, 100, "Eraser");
  PImage img1 = loadImage( "pattern1Btn.png"); //file name with extension
  btnArray[1] = new PImageButton( 10, 120, 100, 100, img1);
  btnArray[2] = new Button( 10, 230, 100, 100, "Pattern2");
  btnArray[3] = new Button( 10, 340, 100, 100, "Pattern3");
  btnGroup = new ButtonGroup( btnArray );
  //Logic for patterns
  PShape s0 = createShape( ELLIPSE, 0,0, 50, 50);
  eraserPattern = new Pattern( s0 ); 
  eraserPattern.fillColor = color(backgroundColor);//start with Purple
  eraserPattern.strokeColor = color(backgroundColor);
  currentPattern = eraserPattern;
  //Slider(float x, float y, float w, float h, float min, float max, String label ){
  lengthSlider = new Slider( 40,height - 40, 200, 30, 10, 200, "Length");
} // end setup

void draw(   ) {
  if( mousePressed){
    checkSliders( );
    translate( mouseX, mouseY );
    displayPattern( ); //draw currentPattern
  displayButtons(); //do after drawing patterns
} //end draw

void mouseClicked(   ) {
  boolean isChanged = btnGroup.clicked( mouseX, mouseY);
  if( isChanged){
  clearButton.clicked( mouseX, mouseY);
  if( clearButton.selected ){
} //end mouseClicked

void displaySliders(){
}//end displaySliders

boolean checkSliders(){
   boolean isChanged = false;
   if(  lengthSlider.checkPressed( mouseX, mouseY)){
     isChanged = true;
   return isChanged;
} //end checkSliders

void changePattern(){
   //TODO add logic to connect buttons to patterns
   //activeBtnIndex will let us determine which pattern should be the currentPattern
   //Switch Case Statement
   float len = 100;  //scale slider will set / modify this value
   switch( btnGroup.activeBtnIndex){
      case 0:
          currentPattern = eraserPattern;
      case 1:
          PShape s1 = createShape( RECT, 0,0,len *.8 , len);
          currentPattern = new Pattern( s1);
      case 2:
          PShape s2 = createShape( RECT, 0,0,len , len);
          currentPattern = new Pattern( s2);
      case 3:
          PShape s3 = vertexShape1( len );
          currentPattern = new Pattern( s3 );
         println("No match on switch case");
   }  //end switch-case statement
} //end changePattern

void displayPattern(){
  if( currentPattern  != eraserPattern){
    patternFillColor = color( 280, 100, 100, 50);
    patternStrokeColor = color( 0, 50);
    currentPattern.fillColor = patternFillColor;
    currentPattern.strokeColor = patternStrokeColor;
  currentPattern.display();  //sliders will set colors for other patterns
} //end displayPattern

void clearCanvas(){
   //TODO add code to draw a rectangle over the full canvas using background color
  fill( backgroundColor);
  rect( 0,0, width,height);
}//end clearCanvas

void displayButtons(){
  fill(0); //black
  rect( 0,0, 120, height);//background of menu
} //end displayButtons

//Modify to remove color parameter and color logic
PShape vertexShape1( float len){
  PShape s2 = createShape();
  s2.beginShape( );
  s2.vertex( 0, 0);
  s2.vertex( len * .5, len * .5);
  s2.vertex( len, .7 * len);
  s2.vertex( len * .5, len);
  s2.vertex( 0, len);
  s2.vertex( 0,0);
  s2.vertex( .2 * len, .35 * len);
  s2.vertex( .25 * len, .75 * len);
  s2.vertex( .35 * len, .45 * len);
  s2.vertex( .5 * len, .25 * len);
  s2.endShape( CLOSE);
  return s2;

Last updated

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