2D Array Grid with Labels
void setup(){
int rows = 4;
int cols = 4;
int size=100;
int[][] intMatrix ; //declare 2D array of integers
intMatrix = new int[rows][cols]; //initialize
int xPos = 0;
int yPos = 0;
//nested for loops to access each element
for ( int i=0; i< rows; i++) {
for ( int j=0; j<cols; j++) {
int k = i + j; //create a variable to use for fill logic
intMatrix[i][j] = k; //store this value for each cell
int fillVal = k*20 + 100;
fill(fillVal); //set fill based on k value
rect( xPos, yPos, size, size);
fill(0); //text fill color
text( "(" + i + "," + j + ")", xPos+ size/2-15, yPos + size/2+15);
text( "k:" + k, xPos+ size/2-15, yPos + size/2);
text( "fill:" + fillVal, xPos+ size/2-15, yPos + size/2 - 15);
xPos += size; //move xPos across to each new column
xPos = 0; //reset xPos to 0 for new row
yPos += size; //move yPos down for the next row
lerpColor Example Code
Below is the code that includes the changes we made to add background color using lerpColor( ).
void setup(){
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100,100);
int rows = 10;
int cols = 10;
int size=width/rows;
int[][] intMatrix ; //declare 2D array of integers - currently null
intMatrix = new int[rows][cols]; //initialize
int xPos = 0;
int yPos = 0;
//nested for loops to access each element
for ( int i=0; i< rows; i++) {
for ( int j=0; j<cols; j++) {
int k = i + j; //create a variable to use for fill logic
intMatrix[i][j] = k; //store this value for each cell
color c1 = color( 237, 95,95); //blue
color c2 = color(69, 95, 97); //yellow
float fraction = map(k, 0, rows+cols-2, 0.0, 1.0); //map to fractional range 0.0, 1.0
color c3 = lerpColor( c1, c2, fraction);
fill(c3); //set fill based on k value
rect( xPos, yPos, size, size);
fill(0); //text fill color
text( "(" + i + "," + j + ")", xPos+ size/2-15, yPos + size/2+15);
text( "k:" + k, xPos+ size/2-15, yPos + size/2);
//text( "fill:" + hueVal, xPos+ size/2-15, yPos + size/2 - 15);
xPos += size; //move xPos across to each new column
xPos = 0; //reset xPos to 0 for new row
yPos += size; //move yPos down for the next row
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