For Project 2, students will create a Processing program to create custom 2D-Grid Artwork using 2 different PShape vertex patterns. Project 2 builds on understanding learned in Project 1, creating PShape objects by specifying a set of vertex points.
YouTube Video: Overview of Project 2
Examine inspiration artwork - Victor Vasarely to observe pattern design rules, then incorporate similar rules in your custom design. Design rules are implemented when populating the 2D array, using logic to create patterns, see Grid Patterns for examples.
Create a 2D Array of PShape objects, create grid patterns using HSB colorMode and lerpColor to specify the color used. If using color-selector tool, specify colorMode(HSB, 360,100,100); //specify max range values
Project Structure: Functions:
Below is the basic function structure for Project 3.
See Details below on how to complete the missing code within this framework.
You must add your own custom colors and vertexShape functions
Starter Code (optional)
voidsetup() {size(400,400);background(0);colorMode(HSB,360,100,100);//scale factors - allows custom-sizing int artWorkSize=width;int regionWidth = artWorkSize/2;//dimensions for grid motif that occupies 1/4 size of the artWork int rows =20;int cols = rows;float cellSize =float(regionWidth/cols);//Create the data//create smaller grid sections - PShape[][] shapesMatrix1 =newPShape[rows][cols];populate2DArray1(shapesMatrix1 ,rows, cols, cellSize );PShape[][] shapesMatrix2 =newPShape[rows][cols];//Create function definition below//populate2DArray1(shapesMatrix2 ,rows, cols, cellSize );//Display the Data//add commentsdisplayShapeMatrix(shapesMatrix1, rows, cols, cellSize);//displayRegion2( shapesMatrix2, rows, cols, cellSize);//add similar function calls for Region3 , Region4}voidpopulate2DArray1(PShape[][] shapeMatrix,int rows,int cols,float cellSize) { color c1=color(0); //DEFINE Your custom colors here color c2 =color(360); //DEFINE Your custom colors herefor ( int i=0; i< rows; i++) {for ( int j=0; j< cols; j++) {int k = i + j;//calculate fill colorfloat kFraction =map( k,0, (rows-1) + (cols-1),0.0,1.0); color c3 =lerpColor(c1, c2, kFraction);//fill( c3 ); ///use map? max of k is 10PShape curShape =rectPattern( cellSize, c3); shapeMatrix[i][j]= curShape; //store in 2D array } //end of inner loop (cols) } //end of outer loop (rows) } //end populate2DArray1/* Modify and use this function void populate2DArray2( ...... add parameters.....){}*/voiddisplayShapeMatrix(PShape[][] shapes,int rows,int cols,float size) {int xPos=0; int yPos=0; for ( int i=0; i< rows; i++) { for ( int j=0; j< cols; j++) { shape(shapes[i][j], xPos, yPos); xPos += size; } //end inner for-loop (j:cols) xPos =0; yPos += size; } //end outer for-loop (i:rows)} //end function/* Other functions - Add paramsvoid displayRotateRegion2( ........add params.....){}void displayMirrorRegion2( ........add params.....){}void displayRotateRegion3( ........add params.....){}void displayMirrorRegion3( ........add params.....){}void displayRotateRegion4( ........add params.....){}*///Use Custom Vertex Pattern from Project 1PShaperectPattern( float len, color c1) {PShape s =createShape( RECT,0,0, len, len);s.setFill(c1);return s;}
Step 1 - VertexShape Functions
Create 2 functions to create PShape vertex objects using float length, color foreground, and optional color: background as input parameters:
PShape vertexShape1( float len, color foreground)
PShape vertexShape2( float len, color foreground)
PShape defined using len parameter -
As with Project1, PShapes are defined using vertices and the input parameter len , or some multiplicative factor times len. Here, many vertices are defined using len * .5. Since all vertices are defined in terms of the len input parameter, then we can vary the value of len when calling the function, and the displayed shape will be the same shape, but scaled at a different size depending on the value of len.
Note: to define our vertices, we are using len * factor, we are not using len + factor. By using a fractional value for factor, we're scaling the size of our pattern, since want to use len to control the size of our pattern. If we add a factor, len + factor, that would create a position offset or x,ypositioning of our pattern at the time we draw the pattern using the PShape: shape( s, x, y) function.
PShapevertexShape1( float len, color foreground) {PShape s =createShape( );s.beginShape();s.fill(foreground);s.vertex(len *.5, len *.5);s.vertex( 0,0);s.vertex(len,0);s.vertex( len *.5, len *.5);s.vertex( len, len);s.vertex(0, len);s.vertex( len *.5, len *.5);s.endShape(CLOSE);return s;} //end createOneShape
Verify VertexShape renders correctly After writing the vertexPattern functions, it's a good idea see what one of them looks like and to make sure they are displaying something, we can do this in setup
voidsetup(){size(600,600);colorMode(HSB,300,100,100);color c1 =color(0,255,255); //redPShape testShape =vertexShape1( 100, c1); //hardcode value for lenshape( testShape,300,300);//display at canvas center}
RecursivePattern Group-type PShape
Group-Type PShape with stacked child PShapes In the first project, the rendering of the PShapes was part of the logic in the Recursive functions, but in this case, we need to save / store the 'stacked' Recursive PShapes in the 2D array so they can be rendered later in the displayShapeMatrix functions. We need the recursive function to create a single Group-type PShape that contains the stacked children PShapes. To accomplish this, we create the group-type PShape before calling the RecursivePattern function. The group-type PShape is passed into the RecursivePattern function as an input. After the RecursivePattern function execution is completed, the group-type PShape object contains all of the child PShapes.
//example use of recursive function//create the group PShape before calling the recursive function //pass the group PShape into the recursive function//after the function has executed, the g PShape object will have all recursive stacked shapes//void Populate2DArray( ----- ){//add Custom Code HerePShape g =createShape(GROUP); //this will hold stacked child PShapesrecursivePattern1( g, cellSize,5, curColor) ;//g is input//after function execution, g contains stacked childrenshapes[i][j] = g; //store in the array//end custom shape code//} end of Populate2DArray//recursive functionvoidrecursivePattern1(PShape g,float len,float level, color c1){if( level<1){return ;}color shapeColor =color( hue(c1), saturation(c1), brightness(c1)*.8, alpha(c1) );PShape s=createShape1( len, shapeColor);g.addChild( s); //add to group//recursive call passes g to the next level recursionrecursivePattern1( g, len *.8, level-1, shapeColor);}//PShape motif with 2 shapesvoidrecursivePattern2(PShape g,float len,float level, color c1){if( level<1){return ;}color shapeColor =color( hue(c1), saturation(c1), brightness(c1)*.8, alpha(c1) );PShape s=createShape1( len, shapeColor);PShape s1=createShape1( len, shapeColor);g.addChild( s);s1.rotate( PI); //rotate 180 degreesg.addChild( s1);recursivePattern1( g, len *.8, level-1, shapeColor);} //end function
Step 2 - 2D Arrays of PShape Objects
Functions to create 2-Dimensional Arrays of PShape objects: these functions have logic that determine color, shape, pattern logic. Use lerpColor and map functions with loop-index variables: i, j.
voidpopulate2DArray1(PShape[][] shapes ,int rows,int cols,float cellSize, color c1, color c2 ){for( int i=0; i<rows; i++){for( int j=0; j< cols; j++){int k = i + j; //diagonal patternfloat fractionK =map( k,0, rows + cols-2,0.0,1.0); color curColor =lerpColor( c1, c2, fractionK);//add custom shape here shapesMatrix[i][j] =vertexShape1(cellSize,curColor); //end custom shape code } } //end for-loop i}//end function
Step 3 DisplayShapeMatrix Default Region
Create functions to display each shapeMatrix. These functions should take input parameters like:PShape[][] shapes, int rows, int cols, float cellSize
The code below has simple logic to step through each shapes[][] element and display it using the nested for loop to change the position of x and y across rows and columns.
Step 4: Use Rotate, Translate, Scale to display in other Regions.
Refactor your code, create functions to transform, scale, rotate the shapeMatrix into regions 2,3,4.
Within these functions, the canvas is transformed prior to calling the displayShapeMatrix code above. An example of using Rotate is shown for creating a ShapeMatrix in Region2. Similar functions should be created for Region3 and Region4 - See Transforms for more examples.
The code below shows the setup function where we're defining our variables and calling our functions, since there's no animation or interactivity in this project, setup can be used for organizing and executing our project logic.
Now that we're creating smaller grid units and combining those to create a larger artwork, we need new variables to clarify these concepts. The larger composition will be called the artWork, it has width = height = artWorkSize. Each artwork is composed of 4 regions, where a 2D array of PShapes occupy one region of space. Each shapeMatrix has dimensions defined by regionWidth = artworkSize/2, rows = 20, cols = 20. cellSize is defined as regionWidth/cols.