Animation with noise( ) added to the animation timer gives more organic feeling of energy.
Similar animation without noise has perfectly consistant timing.
Perlin noise has a more organic appearance because it produces a naturally ordered (“smooth”) sequence of pseudo-random numbers. The graph below shows Perlin noise over time, with the x-axis representing time; note the smoothness of the curve.
Khan Academy
Copy void updateArray_Display( ){
int maxFC1 = 100;
int maxFC2 = 50;
float noiseFC1 = noise(frameCount)*5;
//uncomment to see how noise values change
//println("FC " + frameCount + " NoiseFC1+frameCount%time2 " + (noiseFC1+frameCount)%maxFC1 + " noiseFC1 " + noiseFC1);
//use the changing noise signal in the map function
float fractionFC = map((noiseFC1+frameCount)%maxFC1, 0, maxFC1-1,0.0,1.0);
float fractionSize = map(noiseFC1+(frameCount%maxFC2),0, (maxFC2-1)/2,0.3,1.0);
float mXHue = map( mouseX, 0,width, 80,185);
accentMx = color(mXHue,90,70,50);
color curColor1=lerpColor( purple, aqua, fractionFC);
color curColor2 =lerpColor( aqua, accentMx, fractionSize);
int rows = 8;
int cols = 8;
float cellSize = width/cols;
PShape[][] myShapes1 = new PShape[rows][cols]; //num elements is rows*cols
PShape[][] myShapes2 = new PShape[rows][cols]; //num elements is rows*cols
populate2DArray1( myShapes1, rows, cols, cellSize*fractionSize, curColor2, curColor1);
populate2DArray2( myShapes2, rows, cols, cellSize*fractionSize, curColor2, curColor1);
scale( 0.5,0.5);
displayShapeMatrix( myShapes1, rows, cols, cellSize);
translate(width, 0); //move origin to upper right
scale( -0.5,0.5);
displayShapeMatrix( myShapes2, rows, cols, cellSize);
translate(0, height); //move origin to upper right
scale( 0.5,-0.5);
displayShapeMatrix( myShapes2, rows, cols, cellSize);
translate(width, height); //move origin to upper right
scale( -0.5,-0.5);
displayShapeMatrix( myShapes1, rows, cols, cellSize);