Conceptual Art to Express Emotion / Energy
Step 1: Determine Emotions to express:
See Models of Emotion: , Concept Maps, Mental Models
Create Personal Situation Concept Map Select a personal situation that has an associated range of positive and negative emotions. Sketch a concept-map to brainstorm the concepts and emotions associated with your situation.
Divide your concept-map sketch into 2 regions: Negative, Positive
Put 'Situation' as the center concept ( no need to provide specific details about situation )
Add associated concepts to negative or positive sides
Add emotions to each side, position the emotions to indicate the strength of emotion - with the strongest emotions located at the outer edges of the regions, neutral emotions near the central dividing line
Result: Select at least 5 emotions to represent in your artwork, list these along the bottom of your concept map.
Complete Project Planning Document
Define variables:
colors ( minimum of 3 custom colors required )
Pshape length ranges (minLen, maxLen)
Main Emotions: ordered list of 5 emotions
Determine Design Attributes
map function parameters for values on both sides of the negative / positive regions: how do values change as mouseX changes?
Use planning document as a guide to complete the logic to determine input parameters the RecursivePattern functions, for each region, negative, positive.
Negative - region: 0 < mouseX < balancePoint
Positive - region: balancePoint < mouseX < width
RecursivePattern function parameters: are determined in the draw( ) function, depending region and mouseX value:
These are the main customizations you will do for this project
float len - determined by region and mouseX
use map( ) to determine len for each region
float len = map( mouseX, 0, balancePoint, maxLen, minLen); // negative region
you must determine logic for positive region
color c1, color cMain - determined by region and mouseX
use map( ) to determine gradientFraction
float gradientFraction = map( mouseX, 0, balancePoint, 0.0, 1.0); // negative region
use colorLerp( ), gradientFraction to determine color for current MouseX position
color curNegColor = colorLerp( colorMax, colorMin, gradientFraction); // negative region
you must determine logic for positive region
determine probability for random pop of color, this can be set for each region, or can vary within each region using map( ) to set value of float randPopColor
float randPopColor = map( mouseX, 0, balancePoint, 0.3, 0.6); //negative region example
int count - recursion termination variable use map( ) to vary this value as mouseX changes (optional), or it can be constant across both ranges
float numRepeats = map( mouseX, 0, balancePoint, 8, 4); //negative region example
RecursivePattern Functions: You will have 2 different ones
you can add small variation in hue
Recursive Function Call
You must modify count for each recursive call, this can be done when setting the input parameters as below.
You will modify len for each recursive call because we are creating nested shapes, multiply by a fractional value.
Last updated
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