References and Resources
Introduction To Game-Design and Prototyping, Jeremy Gibon.
Crawford, Chris (2012-12-12). Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling (2nd Edition) (p. 161). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.
Miles, Rob. C# Programming Yellow Book Exellent C# Book, Free online / download pdf-version.
Norton, Terry. Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 3D Beginner's Guide, Terry Norton. PacktPub eBook Version
Unity Programming Patterns:
Visual Guide To Level Design - For Multiplayer Games: Bobby Ross
Game Mechanics - Advanced Game Design: Dormans, Adams. 2012
Advanced Game Design, Sellers, Michael
Unity Package Files - Used in Course:
Updated Apr. 12 2019
ScriptableObject Factory -
Scriptable Object Factory Article: Lior Tal
InventorySystem - Updated Code Files: Apr 10,2019
InventoryDisplay Prefab Package S19
Simplified MiniGame - Project3
Unity 2D Game Design Tutorials:
David Arcila - Game Design Resources
Unity Tutorials -
Unity 2D Character Animation Tutorial - John Stejskal
Sprite Sheet Animation Tutorial
Unity Animator Tutorial Player Sprite Sheeet: Link to download and Tutorial:
Delegates Tutorials: Juan Gomez on UnityDojo
CSV File Tutorial To Import Data from a CSV File:
Pixelnest 2D Game Tutorial: Scrolling-Shooter,Parallax, Scrolling Background, Shooting Projectiles, etc.
Saving Player Data:
Saving World Objects: Sitepoint Tutorial
Unity Scriptable Object Factory
Public Domain 2-D Game Assets:
GameArt 2D - (Used in Class Demo Project)
Fantasy Map Tutorial and Resources
Windows Platformer Game Starter Kit - Inventory Asset - icons - vespa warrior
Also: Search the Unity Asset Store for: Unity 2D-Platformer Tutorial Assets
In Class -Zombie Game Items:
My game art portfolio. 2D, 3D and UI graphics. Art by Osmic
Hero's Journey
[Summary from Myth and the Movie -Christopher Vogler]('s Journey Arch.pdf)
Story Generator Ideas
Rules for Story-Telling: Pixar, Emily Coats:
Pixar: 6 Rules of StoryTelling
Rule #14 — Why must you tell THIS story? What’s the belief burning within you that your story feeds off of? That’s the heart of it.
Rule #1 — You admire a character for trying, more than for their successes.
Rule #16 — What- are the stakes? Give us reason to root for the character. What happens if they don’t succeed? Stack the odds against.
Rule #15 — If you were your character, in this situation, how would you feel? Honesty lends credibility to unbelievable situations.
Rule #4 — Once upon a time there was . Every day, . One day . Because of that, . Because of that, . Until finally .
Rule #12 — Discount the first thing that comes to mind. And the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th — get the obvious out of the way. Surprise yourself.
Rule #7 — Come up with your ending before you figure out your middle. Seriously. Endings are hard, get yours working up front.
CYOA - Templates
Adventure Games - Articles
Character Development Discussion
Critical Vocabulary for Games - Costikyan
Standard Patterns in Choice-Based Games
WebToons a New Form For Graphic Narrative
AI Story Generators
Behavior Tree and Utility AI Comparision
Advice for Living
Advice for Conducting an Interview: Alicia Kennedy
"I’ve begun to add the question “How do you define abundance?” because the concept of “abundance” keeps working its way into my own writing—how we define it, yes, as well as how to cultivate it and how to reframe it in a world that tries to tell us abundance looks one way, means one thing."
"I want to honor the subjects that drive the guest’s life while also bringing something different to it, something less anticipated." Alicia Kennedy
Last updated
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