Coroutines: Dynamic Text


See Unity Manual

A coroutine is like a function that has the ability to pause execution and return control to Unity but then to continue where it left off on the following frame. It is essentially a function declared with a return type of IEnumerator and with the yield return statement included somewhere in the body. The yield return null; code is the point at which execution will pause and be resumed the following frame.

To set a coroutine running, you need to use the StartCoroutine function: In the DialogManager StartCoroutine is executed each time the GetNextDialog( ) Method is Executed:

You can call the Unity StopAllCoroutines( ) method to stop any prior execution

//this allows single characters to be added to look like typed text
    IEnumerator TypeSentence(string sentence)
        dialogText.text = ""; //clear previous sentance
        foreach (char letter in sentence.ToCharArray())
            dialogText.text += letter;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.05f); //execution pauses here

//Example Use: in GetNextDialog( ) method
        StopAllCoroutines(); //stop if still running from prior dialog
        string curSentence = item.dialogText; 
        StartCoroutine( TypeSentence( curSentence ) );

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