Project 2 - List of Steps

Implement Scene-Change Logic

Below is a listing of steps for implementing Scene-Change logic for Project2.

The link below gives more detailed information for Gitbook: Create new scene, state

  1. Create a total of 5 scenes (MiniGame counts as one of your scenes)

  2. For each scene: add scene to the Unity Build Settings

  3. Add UI Canvas in Scene

    • Configure: Screen-Space Camera

    • Set camera to: MainCamera

  4. Add UI-Text to create a Scene Label to identify the scene

  5. Add Unique Background Image to each Scene

  6. Add 2 Buttons, to jump to other scenes

    1. Recommendation: make a DecisionPanel prefab: panel w/2 Buttons

  7. Add new scenes to StateManager.cs GameScene enums

  8. Add new Scene/State logic to StateManager in SwitchState( GameScene nextScene )

    • case SomeScene:

      SwitchState(new NextState() );

    • break;

  9. Create a new SceneXState.cs class, add code so it is similar to BeginState.cs

    • Modify code in SceneXState.cs

    • Add code for IStateBase interface:

    • GameScene Scene

    • InitializeObjectRefs( ){ }

    • Constructor:

      • public SceneXState( ){ }

      • scene = GameScene.sceneX;

  10. Modify BeginState - Add UI-Button and code for button-logic to go to SceneXState

    • Define object-reference variable: Button optionBtn1, optionBtn2

    • Initialize variable in: InitializeObjectRefs( );

    • Define custom Listener method for each Button's onClick event:

      • public void LoadSceneX( ){ }

    • Configure using similar code in BeginState.cs for LoadEndScene( )

    • 1 line of code for to switching scene/state

      • StateManager.instanceRef.SwitchState(GameState.SceneX);

  11. Project2 Dialog: Version1 (Will be extended in Project3)

  • Download, Install ScriptableObject Factory

  • Create Class: ConversationEntry.cs

  • Create a DialogPrefab

  • Create DialogManager.cs,

    • Co-routine - displays dynamic typing text

    • Attach to DialogPrefab

  • Create a ConversationList: ScriptableObject in Assets for each Conversation

  • Dialog - Add Dialog to Every Scene except the MiniGame

Troubleshooting Issues - Scene Change

1. StartGame in BeginScene The most important thing to check is that you're always starting your game in the BeginScene. Otherwise, the StateManager will have incorrect code executing, because we hard-coded the starting state in StateManager to be the BeginState.

If it’s a button to jump scenes that’s not working, then there are several things to check.

Check the console when you run the project, if you have any errors, that's good, that is where to start.

There are 2 types of errors you may get.

Console Message: BIG PROBLEMS - scene state mismatch.

These are the things to check:

  • Unity Build Settings Open the Unity build settings (file >Build Settings), look at the scene ID’s, compare with the

Details: StateManager: Add Logic

GameScene enums in StateManager, these must match with Build Setting Scenes in Build.

public enum GameScene
BeginScene = 0,
Scene2 = 1,
MiniGame =2,
Scene3 = 3,
EndScene = 4

StateManager.SwitchState( GameScene nextScene)

Add logic to Switch-case statement for changing to the nextScene

//Public method to switch state using nextScene enum
    public void SwitchState( GameScene nextScene )
        switch (nextScene)
            case GameScene.BeginScene:
                SwitchState(new BeginState());

            case GameScene.EndScene:
                SwitchState(new EndState());

//ADD ADDITIONAL LOGIC HERE For Custom Scene/State Logic

                Debug.Log("No match on SwitchState - scene " + nextScene);
        } //end switch-block
    } //end SwitchState

SceneXState.cs - StateX Class Files - Implements IStateBase

  • SceneXState.cs Constructor within a SceneXState.cs file. In the constructor, you need to set the scene correctly, example:

public SceneXState(){
     scene = GameScene.SceneX; //Scene-State Mismatch Error if incorrect
  • Button Logic in the SceneXState file that you are trying to leave from - prior to the error: BIG PROBLEMS comment.

Make sure that: logic is correct for the button event: the scene / state must match. the LoadScene( "SceneName" ) matches the SwitchState( new StateName( ));

  public void LoadScene2()
        Debug.Log("Leaving BeginState going to Scene2State");
        StateManager.instanceRef.SwitchState(GameScene.Scene2); //pass to StateManager
  • Button Initialization Logic Error:

    In the code below, there's a mistake because all logic is being added to the btnOption1.onClick method. Look for these types of errors.

public void InitializeObjectRefs()
        btnOption1 = GameObject.Find("ButtonOption2").GetComponent<Button>();

        btnOption2 = GameObject.Find("ButtonOption1").GetComponent<Button>();
        btnOption1.onClick.AddListener(LoadScene2); //ERROR HERE

        Debug.Log("BeginState InitializeObjRefs");

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